
… and in Buffy the Vampire the Slayer and both Luke in "Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest" and as the Judge in "Surpise/Innocence".

"He was not on the plane … kill her."

I don't think that's sad. Means we were alive for the best time in history, back when video stores were a thing and these movies were in all of them. Even the ones I haven't seen, I recognise the names and covers as they were ubiquitous.

Got one for you that you may not have heard of.

I don't typically do podcasts. I still have Will Harris's one on my to do list. A link to point me in the right direction, please?

"Hammer! Hammer is God! Hammer!" (1990: The Bronx Warriors)

So this film is not a reboot of Ghostbusters but in fact is stealth sequel to The Meaning of Life instead? Seems legit (and makes a lot more sense, actually).

Those first two were where he was probably most out of tune with his readership/. back when you could vote on movies on his site, his ratings were 1.5/4 and 2/4 (he really hated The Usual Suspects for some reason) while his readership had average votes of 3.5/4 for both.

Loved how at least some films of that era (and at least the first Missing in Action, I'm sure of this*) had people escaping from Vietnam across the border into Thailand. Small matter of Thailand and Vietnam not having a land border (small thing called Laos in the way) but still …

"The game is created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort. If the champion defeats the meaning, then he must lose."

I love Rollerball. When I was younger, it was for the sports scenes (still do like those) but when I was older, I really got to appreciate all the politics and other things going on in between them. The matches against Madrid, Tokyo and New York also still hold up even today.

"In 1977 James Caan said he only did the film because his advisers told him to work with Sam Peckinpah, and he rated it a zero on a scale to ten."

Watched the Conan clip, I didn't have to source my copy from the Philippines …

Just for me personally, I don't think many of his decisions on films happened to work out for me. If I'd listened to Roger Ebert, I would have missed out on my two favourite movies of the last 21 years, The Usual Suspects and Fight Club.

Just one thing, it's Mad Max 2. Who the hell started this The Road Warrior nonsense in the first place?

This should help tide you over in the interim:

Excuse me, I won't have you putting down Commando. I wrote a report on Commando for university. Counted every single death in it too as part of my project (some of my very first comments here back in 2010 or so in my pre-registration days were about that very thing). I got a distinction for my efforts as well.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about, I remember The Master and I found it quite entertainingly decent for the time. Admittedly, our tolerances may well have been a lot lower when we were that young but so what, I say … ?

So does The Exterminator drop that guy into the meat grinder or not? I've only read the novelisation which says he had a heart attack while hanging above it but someone I knew who's seen the film says he gets dropped in. If that's true it seems like a strange thing for a book of all things to change given it's words

Ninja 3: The Domination