
You'll be fine. One's just a series of reviews of a graphic novel and the illustrations on it and the first page of comments at least are fairly innocuous. The other link is an image which must be in a later page of the comics where someone is hitting someone else with a mummified horse penis.

The first link is just compiled reviews and the opening page at least is safe. The image must be something someone's inserted into a review, I haven't been through the 100 plus pages of comments, so I can't guarantee all those pages of comments past the first two.

Crossed gave rise to Crossed: Wish You Were, which was a free webcomic for many years (they just took it down recently, unfortunately) which was one of the first and finest webcomics I've still ever seen.

Who here's heard of Crossed by Garth Ennis? I actually first learned about it from the comments section here.

Thanks to The Daily Show, I will never forget that Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States (and keep in mind I'm Australian, so I'm especially not expected to know this).

I'm in Australia so we've probably got bugger all in that department. On the upside, at least we don't have Wal-Mart (or if we do and I missed it, it's not the pox it is the US). Anyway, I'll want to see it properly, so I'll probably want to set aside some time to really sit down and watch it on a proper big screen.

I trust the people here, they have excellent taste. So, consider it done as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Oh, good choice. I haven't seen the Guest either but I've heard very good things about it. I only know the vaguest outlines of the plot too but just enough to see how that fits. I definitely have to get around to chasing that one down sooner rather than later.

So Will, nothing about Tony Shalhoub's scene in Monk with future X-Man and Academy Award and multiple other awards winner Jennifer Lawrence then?

It wasn't an option to join him on the flight? I do know you love to go above and beyond for this feature, it's what makes it so good.

Best Star Trek Movie that isn't actually a Star Trek Movie (and obviously better than many of them): Galaxy Quest.

Really? I thought it was the New England Patriots? Or is there enough hate to go around? (I'm inclined to lean yes having seen your primary season).

I'm going to have to disqualify Jimmy Carter as well. He's done many good things, the Guinea Worm project is a huge one but once you start looking into his actions involving right wing death squads in South and Central America, he also has a case to answer, if not in this world, then the next.

Oh that was a much better idea. I was hoping with the Wolf Creek series that the third film was right at the start the victim turns the tables on the killer and turns out to be one of the first women to have passed the Army Rangers course in the US or something like that and the whole film was her tracking and

I know. Someone was trying to get some sort reality thing running with Death Row prisoners a while back. I fled that article before seeing anymore. Didn't surprise me someone had that idea even then, though.

No problem. Check out Top Webcomics and Comic Rocket in my other post, that links to tens of thousands of webcomics between the two of them. Probably only thousands are still active and the ones actually worth reading are even less but it'll help you find some you'll like I hope.

I've never met any of them personally (mostly the wrong hemisphere). However, I sponsored some of them on Patreon and I find it really helps from their point of view when they send a thank you note. I've ended up giving them a lot more money since (I'm an outlier since I really wanted to get involved but generally I

That's cold.

Oh man, I liked You're Next right up to where the guy with the axe came through the window, that was excellently framed and shot. Straight after the lead dispatched that attack, I thought the whole went to pieces for me after that. I could actually pick the exact moment it lost me.