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Yes, there was one bit of the Strangers that definitely broke suspension of disbelief for me. It was when the friend arrived and they were hiding in the closet with the gun and the friend never once calls out or says a word - however he does decide to creep around the whole house.

Well, what a difference a (change of) name makes, then.

What's your opinion of Elizabeth Banks (birth name Elizabeth Mitchell)?

I'm suspecting politicians have heavily fortified residences they retreat to for that very reason. Same with this Senator as well. In this case her fellow politicians sell her out because they want to stop her.

Well, it sounds like something that seemed like a good idea on paper to especially rich idiots but then in practice its, "Who's going to clean up this mess the next day now that everyone who usually does so got killed the night before?"

… and no and yes.

Frank Grillo was certainly keen to do it and he knew about the role because no end of people made that very connection and asked him.

Well, apparently even the Matrix Trilogy fell victim to executives thinking they knew better. The creators supposedly wanted the machines needing human brains to use as parallel processing networks to boost computational power (which has some basis in fact at least) but they were forced to make it that the machines

That would be the logical choice but then again, this is the AV Club. Also, there's already been three Cube films (as usual, prequels complicate things for everyone).

It could be two teams!

Well exactly, there's some right antisocial Cubes out there that'd be right at home with this. I certainly wouldn't want to drop in on them until they do something about their attitudes - and their homicidal behaviour.

Right thanks, got it. Forgot about Collingwood (don't we all want to?) but yes, that also fits with what I've heard about with Hawthorn lately too. Wasn't there also some incident with My Chemical Romance by them if you know what I mean? You know where they'd been real DOPEs?

Not everything's about your cube, you know.

They wanted to make it that the daughter was the one who tried to kill her father (which would have made a lot more sense) but were point blank told no because of how bad it would make the daughter look (which kind of was the point) so this was the best compromise they were allowed to do. You can chalk that one up to

Yes, I do see what you mean.

For all intents in purposes, that is exactly what this was.

As per the 2 minute 35 second mark of this clip, the answer is yes, yes you are.

I feel very embiggened by this news.