
As I recall, I was actually there when they were putting it up. No-one even blinked an eye as it went up, though to be fair, the guy putting it in; it's just his job to fit the glass, it wasn't to make the thing and sometimes films do have really weird titles.

Oh, so you've seen Xtro, then?

The job was real. It was a nuclear disarmament committee. Which fits perfectly with what you were saying. it was an arms body with objective of reducing arms.

Oh, that rings a vague bell of some sort. I do remember the alternate worlds getting increasingly daft as time went on. Christmas World? Really?

One thing definitely in our favour is that election campaigns are short in Australia. It's only been a few weeks since it was called and this is what passes for a long election in our country. Compared to the US, which seems to be perpetually in campaign mode bar the actual day of the election itself, it's infinitely

A lot of the rich pay poor people money to let them be hunted for sport by the rich. So nothing really different from the rest of the year, then.

*DJ JJM poisoned by danish laced with cyanide*

I mostly remember Frank Grillo shooting and beating a lot of people.

Believe it or not, mattress price fixing is a really big thing globally.

Oh yes, I remember that one. it almost always comes up when newspaper headlines are mentioned in this context, as it should. I can't completely rule out out that one's real though, apparently it was an afternoon or evening edition or something and hence wasn't on the headline for the main edition for the day, so

Back in the pre-google on mobile devices days, my workplace team won so many coupons for steak dinners, I'm amazed I avoided a coronary. I did in fact fill the gap in the team for that very area (I came in very useful when Predator came up, for starters).

Is this about my cube?

"Attempted murder," now honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for "attempted chemistry?"

The couple from the film are married in real life from before they worked on Anarchy, so make of that what you will about their on-screen chemistry.

I think David Bowie's "This is not America" from the Falcon and the Snowman would be perfect for this.

You think that's going to stop the British? When they set their minds to tanking a political career, I don't think anyone can top them nor stop them. I mean, look at what's going on right now.

It was the one with the power crisis, so lots of people were going about on rollerblades. San Fransisco and Los Angeles had merged into San Angeles (no chance they stole that from Demolition Man, is there?), Logan turns out to be an evil alternate female version of Quinn who works that out through thermal imaging

Given that both of the largest parties are simultaneously the Gangs that Couldn't Shoot Straight and self-destructing, there probably isn't anything anyone could do to them that they're not already doing to themselves.

You're both doing God's work.

Pre-empted, I said!