
Point taken. Two reasons.

We're not out of the woods yet.

If it weren't for Scotland, the voting figures would have been even worse for the remain side.

She's still young, she can work up to those as part of her gaining experience for her run for office.

I was once seated next to Tony Windsor on a plane. Great guy, I hope he kicks Barnaby Joyce right out of parliament. For those of you out there in the rest of the world, he was the guy who got into a verbal spat with Johnny Depp over his dogs.

“In most cases, those who want power probably shouldn't have it, those who enjoy it probably do so for the wrong reasons, and those who want most to hold on to it don't understand that it's only temporary.”

Logan's Run was popular for a reason, man.

Well, this is your area of expertise.

My electorate has never mattered because it's a National Party satrapy. Except that one time it wasn't, which is why I'm sending this via fibre to the premises and not to the node. It was also worth it to see the Coalition practically have an aneurysm, starting with the then PM who was a jagoff even by their standards.

In all seriousness, she would actually be a lot better than quite a lot of people already there, including some who ran for president if we're expanding this to include the Senate.

I just fill out a form each time saying why I couldn't as I'm never in the area for the local elections and unlike the other elections there's no postal or absentee and that's always been the last I hear of it.

Sri Lanka

Here's where some of your questions at least can be answered.

Well, I guess it could be worse. My original home country often used to settle political disputes with frequent assassinations once upon a time, over the years two government ministers were murdered in our street alone.

For an ancient entity of some sort, you know us all here so well!

Not surprisingly, the age grouping of the voting broke down such that the ones most in favour of staying are the ones who will have to live with the consequences for longest, while the opposite was the case with the "Fuck you, I've already got mine, Jack." crowd.

Wow, I leave for a few years and things change so much. It's been 6 hours since you posted and you still haven't upvoted yourself. Standards are slipping all over the board here ;-).

Well, Season 4 reviews actually appeared at the same time as the episodes were broadcast, so that would have helped with the number of comments and total page views a lot at the time. This on the other hand is the equivalent of going back to the prehistoric era in Internet time.

Oh look, it's me from about five years ago.