
No, not at all condescending. At the end of the day, the sum totality of an opinion of any media is a singular unique experience. I was just amazed as to how a show I once love managed to hit so many of my absolute personal pet hates. It's like someone somehow raided my subconscious and tailor made the entire

Well, South Korea's always been such a rollercoaster of excitement each of the six times I've been there that that experience didn't really stand out in comparison. I mean as exploding footwear goes, it really wasn't that remarkable in the grand scheme of things.

Haven't seen it, though so I can't comment. I know it's a classic but I'm a bit behind on a quite sizeable backlog (only finally saw ET on Christmas 2015).

I know, it was more stylised than precision like what I learned from studying astronomy but especially combined with the 'old' Colonial names for the constellations (Gemini etc being exactly the same as ours - though I never thought they were actually speaking English), made me go with this is our future.

I think I finally lost patience with Baltar not because of the actor's performance (he was really good) but instead my realisation that well before the end of the show, it was clear he was somehow going to get away with everything despite everything he'd done. I found that probably the most unrealistic thing of the

… specifically written by and for people who had seen the whole thing already …

I don't mind weirdness (hell, I'm a huge fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion in all its forms) but I guess this particular weirdness just smacked of the creator trying to shoehorn in a favourite song of his regardless of how much sense it made (also it didn't help that I personally don't like it much). Still, I guess I

Tone really doesn't carry well in just text, does it? I completely got what you were doing. No, I take really long breaks from here because otherwise I'd find myself stuck here for hours if not days on end, just like the situation you were describing for yourself. That's why I make complete and long-standing breaks

Well, as I have already stated here, I didn't care for the reveal as to when this show was supposedly set.

If you haven't seen Die Welle (The Wave), I highly recommend it. Based up to a point on a real life social experiment in an American school many decades back, it's an excellent German film. Obligatory mention for Run Lola Run and Goodbye Lenin! as well.

I won't. I still wonder what the hell all the All Along the Watchtower was meant to be because I thought that was horrible.

I find what works for me is logging off now and then and not coming back for a few years. I do that now and again. I only just came back after 8 months out this time and that was first and foremost because we tragically lost a couple of us otherwise I probably would have stayed gone for much longer. I strongly suspect

Look, I can't really remember anymore. I did try and work all this out at the time but it's been 10 years and I can't remember exactly what I came up with (hence I said I could be wrong) but the whole experience put me off so much that I've never felt inclined to go back and check. Just my opinion, I guess I feel this

Maybe I was guilty of overthinking it but this is what I thought the show was doing. I guess it's because I made the mistake of believing them when they said they planned the show. Not saying they didn't, just turns out, not in the ways I thought they did.

Well, that was what I was going with as my most likely guess by far but I have been burned by assumptions before.

I had so many problems with the Final Five. Look, it was obvious that the original plan was to have 12 different models and that they were duplicates. Six even says to Baltar that I'm 6 of 12, basically.

Hey, that's my thing, running something into the ground and beyond. Once upon a time years back, I made the comment in a Battlestar Galactica review (coincidentally, the last ever one has just gone up) that I agreed with an AICN commenter who said that "I want to enjoy this show but why does it increasingly feel like

I think a lot of my resentment stems from the fact that I really thought from what I was seeing was that they'd really been setting up a whole lot of clues and building blocks for the future of the show and then it turned out they'd sort of been winging it and badly at that given the changes in direction were so

Hey everyone, want to take an episode (or more) of the remaining episodes and review them, posting the review here in this thread in the days and weeks to come? Crowdsource completing this feature so to speak? (Except no-one's getting paid, unfortunately).

No, they basically handwaved it and it was just one of those things that 'happened'. One of the perils of making things up as you go along. The whole Final Five was pulled out I dread to think where after the show started and I really thought it was executed quite badly.