Cinammon Jack

I cued up the Japanese voices for a bit and now I just hear Mona's "YAOUSS" (sic)

To Square's credit, the Veldt song is just that damn catchy.

The great Isaac de Bankole!

And Robinson Crusoe is 298 years old!

Keach for the sky, varmint!

When Patton Oswalt directed a live reading of Raising Arizona in Los Angeles in 2013, he got Ron Perlman to play the Biker from Hell. To his credit, dude stuck around for the whole night even though he only has about five lines in the whole script. Glad these two are still tight!

Love that fuckin' movie!

Where are all the people who look at Tyler Durden as a role model, I've found miles upon miles of banquet food for them to piss in and real estate to dynamite when that gets boring.

Because we learned nothing from Ghost in the Shell, apparently.

Everyone wants an Avengers sequel, nobody wants to tell Joss Whedon they un-killed his character on TV and he needs to set up three other characters' spin-offs and oh he only has Idris Elba for a day and he's been waiting to shoot for hours so just film something, man.

I love the idea in theory but then I read something like Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll delivering expository monster facts like the Professor Oak of the Goth scene and I feel like they're really not trying.

Yea, and don't forget that according to one Guardian testimonial from a former resident she had to pay $700 in rent (what a steal, it's like living in the Fight Club house), a $700 deposit and $700 for upkeep, but was ignored when she suggested not running a generator next to a butane stove. This wasn't even the

Do we know if it's Phillip Jeffries or his double 'helping?' When he visits the FBI in Fire Walk with Me, Phillip knows to warn Albert and Gordon about Coop's double.

If the movies and TV have taught me anything, it's that old people fuckin' run things in prison!

. . . your implication being that the people charging that this is discrimination have no interest in seeing the movie? Balderdash! They seem very excited to brag on twitter about buying tickets to the screenings.

There are tens of dozens of places that give away free condoms. Including (gasp!) Planned Parenthood clinics.

UNIFORM FUCKING RULES. Sacred Bones also released Lynch's Twin Peaks soundtracks and some of his albums, like Polish Night Music.

Yea I don't really give that article much credence, I just thought it was interesting in the context of the show. I appreciate your analytical diligence and well-articulate exculpation! I pray for Mojo a lot.

Did anyone see that recent article that mortality rates are 10 - 15% lower in regular church attendees even though those same populations are 50% less likely to have health insurance? Christ pulling his weight, bit by bit.