Cinammon Jack

Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm aroused.

In the comics, Hoover and Featherstone aren't assholes. They're fanatical moral cowards who do terrible things and enable a genocidal monster but they face the consequences pretty much head on (no spoilers). And what were they doing before the Grail? They were both teachers!

It took me more than one viewing of NOES to realize and actually process that Nancy's Mom was Ronnie Blakeley, who gives one of the best performances ever in Nashville

He got the job because he looked big enough to build the sets!

This was kind of what racing Mecha-Sonic in Sonic CD was like. There's also some mini-games in the Kirby Super Nintendo game that are kind of like that, just slowly complicated obstacle courses.

Weev has been an anti-semite for a long, long fucking time. When Molly Crabapple claimed that she had been reporting on his legal issues before his Nazi sympathies were known he went out of his way to tell her on record that no, he'd been a hateful bigot the whole time and she knew that. And honestly it's good that he

Season 3's finale, 'The Hero' was December 2015 - it's the miserable hellscape scenario, but I had to doublecheck to be sure.

That's cool, but Blow-Up is still pretty solid.

You never saw Office Space?

I like your theory and I wonder if tormenting Morty is somehow related to it. Like, I don't think his time machine is literally powered by his grandson's misery but maybe he needs him to be bitter enough to go along with this scheme or something . . . they've got a writing staff, they'll figure it out.

Yea I resent the implication of the earlier comment that if I'm actively trying to critique the show I'm not enjoying it. If I hold R+M to a high standard it's because I'm aware of what Roiland and Harmon are capable of - they themselves said they exceeded their expectations for this season and considering how long

The coveted Beastie Basterds mash-up, well played.

"Shit, if this is gonna be that kind of wine program, I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!”

"The trick is: Kick someone's ass the first day, or become somebody's bitch. Then everything will be alright."

I got summoned like the month after I turned 18 and managed to get out of taking my high school chemistry final that morning, but they ended up not needing us. I'll always remember when I called in to explain why I was missing class the school secretary just said, "Well, find him guilty."

I'm embarrassed that I laughed at this loud enough to startle my cat, which made me laugh even more. WELL DONE SIR.

If what you say is true . . . the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang could be dangerous.

Nose Army?

Don't say 'jipped,' it's racist

Get on that, then.