Cinammon Jack

Not sure how you feel about an apocryphal source but in the commentary Simmons and Chapelle basically say Fletcher's motive at that point is a bit more in line with Alvin's, that he expects to either make or break the kid at that point. And he did get him fired.

IIRC, people didn't quite canonize Kubrick's Shining the way they do now. Premiere's tribute issue after SK died calls it his only failure, for example.

I'm sorry about your friend and sorry about the editorial bloviating that has gotten people distracted from the reality of those affected.

So if I kill someone because I'm driving drunk it's their fault for sharing the road with me?

Oh, Artie.

How do you reconcile those two comments? "Fuck whoever caused this fire" does not logically follow from "Your safety is an assumption that you make based on known quantities." When someone drops a cigarette 99.9 % of the time in most any circumstance, it doesn't create an immediate life or death situation. THAT is a

If someone you love ever dies in a senseless tragedy you're going to want, if not need, more sympathy than you can imagine there ever being in the world. Your initial comment doesn't make you sound like an ass but trying to dictate that people react to emotional events with logic makes you sound naive like woah.

I've eaten chicken but I don't have wings. Idiot.

They could have bothered to not have a staircase made out of pallets.

And judging by Showgirls, he can make an art film too!

I think a lot of young kids freak out when sympathetic characters turn out to be imposters . . . in the movies.

Bruce Campbell's line in Evil Dead 2, "Sounds . . . like something trynna get into our dimension."

He's the only character you can play as!

I got my first grad school app in and will celebrate by binging on Invisible Inc, which plays and sounds like a game I fantasized about in high school. The character design, music and gameplay combine to make something addictive and wholly satisfying overtime as your skills improve.

He can do both! He managed to get the news that he's settling a fraud case for $25 million while bragging about it on twitter bumped because of this case of the sillies.

Uncredited Jon Hamm makes me tingle.

Ever notice how regular-sized Rudy looks like a skinnier Bobby from King of the Hill?

I'll always remember that as the movie that Halle Berry couldn't get hired on because one of the producers didn't believe there were black park rangers. Stay classy, Hollywood.

The New York Times Magazine had a cover story on Jackie Brown around the time of the movie's release where they both claimed it in an interview.