B.A. Baracus Obama

Home Alone blows, except…
"Buzz, your girlfriend! Woof!"

Questionable suggestion?
How bout "Girls" by Nic Kelman?

I guess what Tony Scott's trying to us is…
…never send Walter Mathau to do a black man's job.

Ten Years After
The most absurdly badass performance of the show. From the opening guitar, it sounds like everyone's on another planet. I like Hendrix and the Who as much as the next man, but, come one!

Big fan of all the shots of the Red Cross and military bringing food and doctors in to take care of everyone. Also, all the interviews with the townspeople.

So are all the AVClubbers hanging out on the weekend now? I feel so left out now.

Wait a minute….
"…it could retroactively serve as a stinging critique of them"?

How about perfect harmonizing on the last lyrics of "The End"? Or the three-way guitar solo?

You Know My Name, Look Up The Number

Fallon doesn't have a shtick/angle yet (partly because he's your run-of-the-mill comic), he just spends the show logged onto his internet. Steve Higgins should host.

I won't purchase unless they include the appropriate youtube clips.

So, what's the story with the release?
Anyone have a clue as to why it's taken them all these years for a DVD issue of Zabriskie? All throughout college I heard the film being talked about by profs and all, but the only copy I could find was a funky laserdisc. Antonioni's always seemed like one of the more "out

If we're going all PBS with McNeil/Lehrer than we might as well do all those PBS kids shows in one big block. Shout outs for old Reading Rainbow, Square One, Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego, and Ghostwriters.

I know this comment board will get flooded with requests, but…
Requesting Northern Exposure. Or all of the Sopranos from the beginning.

I actually logged on to post the same request. Been watching it a lot lately, what with the nightly on WGN and Monday night SciFi marathon bidness.

@WTFAVC: Askin' myself the same question.

Not a Napier line, but nonetheless:

"Obey Duke! Duke Is God!"

I smell the next installment of "Wrapped Up In Books."

Lawyers. Guns. & Money.