B.A. Baracus Obama

Season 2 is needed to appreciate Season 1. They're very different, but necessarily complimentary.

Haven't seen Husbands, but I damn-near love the other stuff. Opening Night? Forget about it!

Any John Cale solo fans? I've never been able to get into the more drone-centered albums, so any suggestions? Big fan of Paris 1919 and Vintage Violence, though.

Persona was always a difficult one for me too. I've warmed up to it, but it was difficult the first time after the split-second image of the erect penis. That was my Peter-Griffin-standing-up-in-the-movie-theater-and-saying-'Done!' moment. But on later viewings (thanks to a brilliant film theorist/prof that made me

Satyricon? That's a rough way to go, HappyDaysick.

Start with Old Ways. Then do Trans. Then do Everybody's Rockin'. The only three you need.

Ingmar Bergman
I always get the impression that people start liking him and then think he overrated. For me it was the opposite: I thought "Seventh Seal" was a bloated, pretentious piece of narcissism. 3 years later, I was in a completely different state of my life and I fell in love with its bleakness, insecurity,

Seconded. I've gotten to a point to where I like 8 1/2 and love Amarcord. But I'm still not sold on La Dolce Vita and some of his later stuff.

Just saw it two days ago and loved it. The length's important because it is essentially the film — Polanski draws out the pregnancy and, in doing so, draws out the paranoia, which is its foundation. But I'm also inclined to like a film (somewhat) unless there's a glaring issue.

Karatloz, I think for the most part you're still right on the drop in quality. The only two shames of the third are, to some questionable degree, out of Coppola's hands: 1) the casting of his daughter (his fault to a degree, more her fault for her acting), and 2) the goofy 80s stuff in NY. Once you hit Italy, it's

But You're All Wrong
It begins and ends with "Paint Your Wagon."

@Kills Owls Dead

Liberty Valance and Stagecoach both suck the mighty phallus that is Clementine. But lets not disclude "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" or even "Horse Soldiers", the latter a mild affair but still a good one. But has anyone seen "3 Godfathers"? Some good moments, but you really want to put a gun to your head on that one.

Mann's really a genius, even when you get into lesser fare like "Strategic Air Command", a boring-as-fuck film with brilliant aviation cinematography.

MBS, way to take all the good quotes.

They're sending us 50 reasons why Captain Picard is better then Captain kirk
Ha! They must be out of their minds!

Season 2
If there had been (not whether it would've been good or not): what issues/potential plotlines would you like to have seen in subsequent seasons of the show?

Neal's Brother
Did anyone else get the impression from Dave Krumholtz's character that he could potentially end up being a "pseudo"-asshole in the show? He struck me as the geek who went to college and developed a sense of superiority now that those who picked on him are worse off. His kiss with Lindsay seemed more

Tyson, in retrospect, on his rape charge:

Reading this interview…
Makes me much more comfortable with my neuroses.