

Disappointed already.

Great, now Star Wars has been totally ruined for all of us. 

Wikipedia, source of all truth, says it was pg but part of the reason for inventing pg 13…. So we're both right.

The vague embarrassment of watching something slightly sexual with your parents….

TempLe of Doom - apparently it was pg but not to a 6 year old who hid behind a couch while his older sister and friends watched it and laughed at its campiness. Oh, the monkey brains…..

The Pizza Fling behind the scenes.


Star Trek: TNG

Mean Gene takes down the two-headed Buffer beast in a handicap match.  IN MY MIND!

I'll grant you the Iron Shiek as the most politically incorrect, but there are some other real contenders.  Remember the French Canadian Mountie?  What the hell was that?

Subject: Depressing is the only way to go

Lady Elizabeth to be played by Misha Barton.

The second R


The world does not start and stop at your convenience, juanito

I'm freaking out here!

New term for a begrudging or insincere apology:
Shit bow!

Ryan Adams live experience
Best show - Shepherd's Bush London, 2001 or 2 before Gold came out; he played 2 plus hours including all of Gold and debuted Wonderwall in the encore

As a human being I'm glad he got married and kicked the drugs.