
Cold Roses
Rock N Roll
Love Is Hell
Easy Tiger

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Hi AV Club,

Rock N Roll Is My Guitar….!!!!
From FUBAR. I never get sick of this.

Stanley from the Office
at 1:38 in the Mighty Wind clip clapping in the audience?

Every Teardrop is a Waterfall?!!!?!
Of course that's the name of the new Coldplay single!

Apparently what I meant to say was:

Every Death Cab Record
gets a B for me. They're always enjoyable with some highlights (agree with the poster who gave a shout out to Grapevine Fires- awesome!) but never great. I'm enjoying codes and keys more than narrow stairs but i'm sure I'll put it away in a couple weeks and it will collect digital dust.

Who's baby is that? What's your angle? I'll buy that.
Clearly this debate can go on for ever, but I have no problem with the av club saying "buy this or that". They're not holding a gun, or even a pitchfork, to your head.

Break it down for me people….
What does "breaking the story" mean? Dan used the term about 50 times over the whole interview…

Casey's Winning Strategy?
Replaceable. Replaceable. Replaceable. JAZZ!

Didn't J-Lo say "shit" too? I think she's at her most likeable. She seems to be the first AI judge in history to actually be enjoying herself. And she deserves the People cover every bit as much as Marc Anthony deserves the Creepiest Man Alive cover - which I believe is out next week.

"If America votes me off this week, it's because they prefer this song delivered in an overly sincere, quivery jewfro package."

Yup, like being branded with 'hipster' for snarky American Idol comments. "We're openly talking about watching American Idol?! What is less hip than that?" (Apparently pointing out the irony only adds the d-bag to the hipster label. So be it).

My favorite part of the show was seeing Will.I.Am there again as an unannounced fixture- and knowing how much C.Z. would love it.

Incredible Non-Shrinking Legacy
AV CLUB 2011 Award Nominee for the category: Best Penis Euphemism in a Headline (Intentional?)

Ravenous qualifies as one of those movies I watched when I was way too young and it traumatized me. The combination of that creepy fiddle music, Robert Carlyle prancing around looking for people to eat, and most of all the scuzzy red VHS tape that the movie was housed on…..shudder…..

New Adventures in Hi-Fi
I am really glad to hear this record get mentioned so positively in this article. It is absolutely my favorite REM record of all time and I go back and listen to it more than any of their others.

Has the AV Club given up on Nurse Jackie….
cause I am about to………now. No I'm not. The show's structure is currently a terrible mess but it gets the cynicism in the hospital so right.

That would be hilarious! I could also just go for an hour of watching GE Smith make face-melter expressions.

I couldn't help but notice how many times she mentioned that she WROTE these songs. She didn't mention that they were all co-wrote and produced by her sleazy ex-husband who I hold personally responsible for drowning her talent in lame production, cheese lyrics, and some of the worst guitar riffs in history.