Eyeful of Wang-Neck

Really? THAT'S what Buddy Valastro sounds like in real life? I guess I just assumed it was a ridiculous caricature.

I can get on board with some lazy improv…like last week's Pulled Bjork Sandwich bit.

These are podcasts in their infancy. I'm just advocating for a few more ears. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think free entertainment should be shat upon until it's well-entrenched.


Yeah, the Hadron Collider bit, aka the last real appearance of Huell Howser.

For me, the joy of the show is in waiting for Howard to say something exasperating/hilarious/confounding, and listening to Kulap laugh maniacally.

Yeah, good call. Definitely something James should consider.

It's really his ONLY great voicework. All his other characters work solely because of his comedic skills…which is fine, as it seems like comedians tend to skew towards "great impression" versus "actual comedy."

Was it just me, or did Tompkins seem annoyed with Adomian at times?

They're nothing if not inventive.

All right, I'll be that asshole this week.

It seems like Adomian has lost some of the fire that made his early characters brilliant, which is distressing to me, because Ep. 31 (Ben Schwartz, Chip Pope, Adomian as Huell Howser) is one of my favorite hours of comedy across all genres.

There were maybe one or two laughs, but it's not a bit they should ever go back to.

Proops was better than I expected…but I find Adomian's refusal to let certain characters die a bit puzzling. Clearly he's at his best with a new character (see first appearance of Huell, first appearance of Dov Charney, first appearance of Merrill Schindler) to go batshit nuts with.

I crawl like a viper
through these suburban streets.
Make love to these women,
languid and bittersweet.

Definitely not.

Gob's not on board.

It looks lame on paper, maybe, but it's awesome in the context of the song's intensity.

Ah, I see.

How any fan of Dan, hardcore or not, could put ANY of their catalog above Royal Scam is beyond me.