Eyeful of Wang-Neck

Yes, and NOT one in which Scott and Jason Mantzoukas are yelling at him the whole time.

I don't know…does it have to be a zero-sum game? You want improv, it's CBB or Matt Besser's Improv 4 Humans. You want comedians not being funny at all, it's WTF. You want comedians BSing with each other? It's DLM.

Nate something, and I only know that because I had a smoke with him outside. He does shows at Acme fairly regularly, so it shouldn't be too hard to track him down. He was good, and an excellent choice of opener for the Sklars' sensibility.

HENDERSON! for all my Sklarbros and Sklarhos.

A movie with Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis being merely dull qualifies as atrocious in my book (which happens to be "Runaway Ralph").

You're being too nice…that sh!t was atrocious.

How about a Brendon Small appearance from time to time? Guy killed on CDR a while back.

Yep…Adomian seems to value high-quality impressions over pure comedy. On the continuum, Gary Busey and Paul Giamatti fall more on the "great impression" end rather than the "funny character" end. He needs to get back to Dov Charney/Merrill Schindler-type characters where the voicework is secondary.

Yes, the show looks dramatically different. Far less warm and intimate. While the jokes still land, I really, really don't like the way the show looks now.

"Cold pizza better than hot pizza? That's insane!"

Man, people sure like these boy's club/insider episodes (this episode and Farts & Procreation, mostly) more than I do. I love Harris as a guest, but the familiarity between him and Scott can be alienating.

Did anyone else think, even for just a second, that when Liz first appeared in bag lady garb, that it wasn't actually a costume, but an ugly physical manifestation of her ugly new attitude? I mean, the writing's getting wackier and wackier, and they haven't shown much (or any) of Liz in costume for TGS.

It's right up there with Broken Social Scene ("You Forgot it in People"-era BSS, at least) as best group with the worst name.

I was shocked, utterly shocked at how vital and strong his voice was. What a show.

This made me laugh really hard.

"Ghost" makes me cry every time I hear it. Best album ever of all time, and that's THAT.

I saw him in Minneapolis on the 4th…still gives me chills. What a great vibe. Awesome crowd.

And *I* can't believe you're the only one!

Good call…why 9-year-old me found Moira Kelly in Cutting Edge so attractive, but couldn't be bothered to tug to Judith Hoag, I'll never know.

Chevy Nova?