Eyeful of Wang-Neck

What? It was absolutely perfect for what it was: jerk fodder for morbidly obese 14-14.5-yr.-olds.

Listening to it right now. It seemed like maybe she didn't remember the words. Probably has something to do with growing up in land-locked Laos.

It's probably still too new to qualify as "criminally underlooked," but yes, it deserves a mention. Very funny most of the time.

Haahahaha "You don't have to believe me. You can believe my butt."

This week was an absolute disaster. You can hear the edits, sketches ending short, and what IS there is stunted. Sounds like Besser had some nervous first-timers on.

[Fred sits on his bed, wearing "clothes." Scott enters]

Unfortunately, the pall bearers took his coffin to the wrong graveyard.


It's the greatest story never told coherently.

I'm sure Richard Grieco would be happy to oblige. He's been buffing his skin to a mirror-like shine for just such an occasion.

GOB's not on board.

Correct, Dwigt. The IT may hold water in may regards, but Stargazer Buzz's presence is closure, plain and simple, and totally unreconcilable with IT.

The indoctrination theory holds water, sure, but where does it leave players who chose "poorly"? I chose the green ending, which, by all accounts, renders me completely indoctrinated. How could any DLC possibly move this story forward?

Doesn't sound too bad when you put it like that. I'll take an American Dad-quality spin-off/spawn from Tina and co.!

Well I don't know if it needs to die NOW, but it definitely needs to die before whatever the f*ck happened to Family Guy happens to it.

Who knew Kristen Schaal would be the one to make Jack McBrayer look like a comic genius.

CBB is in rare form lately. And Bobby Moynihan is hereby elevated from sleeper favorite to legitimately awesome guest.

Great, great episode. As much as I love Nick Offerman, his energy is totally wrong for the vibe of the show, and it was probably better for him not being there.

Although, for the record, I found the sketches you mentioned to be 2 of the stronger sketches over the last few weeks.

I can't decide if it's just the nature of that style of comedy, or if I just plain don't like some of the guests, but yes - there are some stinkers. But there's at least one great sketch per show.