Eyeful of Wang-Neck

The Ides of March bit (where people dressed up like Roman senators and stabbed him during March) was hilarious…if he can stick to those extravagant scenarios where he gets picked on (like him getting kicked down the hill, or getting hit in the face with an Oscar statue), it can work. 

CBB was a total dud. Offerman's not nearly quick enough, and the Paul Giamatti character has run its course.

You've…you've solved a lot of problems for me.

I like Stoned Corky and Trolljesus for the final two.

Who gives a S.H.A.R.T.?

James Adomian is fairly active on the late-night scene, I believe.

Say what you will about J&A, watching him and Amir simultaneously try and suck air from underneath the door was hysterical.

I don't really think you can argue that the show didn't look different. Didn't bother me much, but I get it…30 Rock's appeal is as a comfort show, something that's easy to watch and doesn't demand too much from its audience. Change in any way can only mess with that chemistry.

Agreed, agreed, agreed. If it takes a miserable Liz to make it happen, then  so be it. At the same time, though, I resent the episode's implication that Liz Lemon has been miserably unhappy for the past 5 seasons.

I don't really agree, but it may have something to do with the sluggish pace.

Yeah, I'm with you. Didn't look right. Didn't feel right. Characters weren't really themselves. 30 Rock doesn't need to change. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Mute sums it up well.

Obviously you are not a golfer.

A hard, cynical ending for a hard, cynical world.

They were in purgatory the whole time, or something like purgatory but not purgatory, or some shit.

I hoped. God, I hoped.

Did the funny name bit start with Thomas Lennon as Lil' Gary? Just wondering. Seems like it started around his first or second appearance.

Good call.

Or a sugar-coated baby getting eaten by a camel, or whatever.

Hot tub foot.