Eyeful of Wang-Neck

Obviously you are not a golfer.

I'm sure the [citation needed] bit was added by the author, but i so, so want it to be real.

Don't you mean DAWESTAST…err, DAWEPENDOUS…errr…nope, lost it.

Get your genuine post the f*ck outta here!


I love that they went all the way with it, dog sleeping on top of it and everything.

Count me among the few who love Future Weather but find Slave Ambient almost unlistenable. Didn't they lose Kurt Vile? One might think that has something to do with it.

I'll be back. I have to go get… goblin army.

I'll add the scene in The Prophecy where Elias Koteas and crew see the vision of the war between heaven and hell on the cave wall. Terrifyingly well-realized. A vast ocean of dead, rotting angels impaled on pikes, howling wind, otherworldly sun setting over the desert…just what I always imagined hell would be like.

MY favorite part was when the buildings fell down.

I'd shuehorn it into her soft.

Yeah you're right. The earlier Mantzoukas/Daly episode was Bill Carter. Still better than his most recent character.

I disagree. If the character is strong enough, Daly easily outshines Mantzoukas and Aukerman. This wasn't a great character, certainly not on par with Hot Dog or Bill Carter, Trainer for the Stars Seeking Stars.com.

For a reprise of the Andy Daly/Jason Mantzoukas combo that yielded the terrific Hot Dog character, I thought this week's CBB was pretty bland.

Wiz Khalifa hate and CDR reference. Nice twofer.

Except for that "they were cones!" fella. He's alright in my book.

I've already integrated "Prove it…show me the microfiche" into my vernacular.

I'd just like to say I'm not sure Howard has the pure entertainment chops to truly, honestly assess America's aggregate talent levelBABA BOOEY BABA BOOEY HOWARD STERN'S PENIS BABA BOOEY

Checks out.

Is this a Bob Ducca name?