Eyeful of Wang-Neck

Good work, guy.

Did they like the original post, or the edited post???

Ninja-edited firsties. Very problematic.

I know it's coming and I still laugh like a big, dumb homo every time.

Why the eff would people shit on the Sappity Tappity episode? Did that really happen? I just stumbled upon Podmass a few months back, long after that episode aired.

I see what you're getting at… that those defending this particular episode would defend all things CBB (like those idiots who actually claim to like the new Family Guys), but I genuinely thought it was hilarious.

I'm surprised by some of the negative feedback for this ep. For a show that's had a rough go lately, I thought this was a return to form.

C'mon, man. There were some solid laughs in there.

Last year's was an overlong mess, but how could you not love this year's? You crazy.

They really should've played "Monster Fuck" once. When else will they get the chance?

I LOVED it. Jon Daly kills it. Some of the stuff he sneaks in in response to the dumb shit Aukerman says is brilliant.


I have fond  memories of that show. Dude got a LOT of mileage out of the pixelated-dick-hanging-out-of-Speedos bit.

Pope Lindsay Lohan III?

Could've fooled ME!

The popcorn feels nice regardless of whether you get any action.

Not once she sees THIS.

Goddamit why is this still here? I was going to do a "priciples… OF FLIGHT" joke, but I had to go.

That's not what your mom said.

In the context of an air flow relative to a flying body, the lift force is the component of the aerodynamic force that is perpendicular to the flow direction.[8] It contrasts with the dragforce, which is the parallel component of the aerodynamic force. In all cases, aerodynamic lift is associated with pressures on the