
Boys Will be Boys
Come come, Ms. Gillette. She was fine. And the music was adorable. Now excuse me while I get my mother to change my diaper.

Boys Will be Boys
Come come, Ms. Gillette. She was fine. And the music was adorable. Now excuse me while I get my mother to change my diaper.

I like these, but this one was a bit girlie.

Does it put a smile on your face when I tell you that your grandmother is known to be a bit of a floozy?

I believe 50 Cent's Twitter feed mentioned he has been studying Foucault, thus inspiring this little trick.

And oh what fools we are for discussing her, this bitch, this… Gaga.

That must be rather embarrassing when they play her songs in the dance club, no?

Does it always have to be about you, Stacy?

I disagree with CNN
I think the odds of the song being updated as "Creep Alley" are close to zero.

Does it make me gay…
that I do not turn off his video when I see it?

Hate is, by nature, loud.

You disgust me nearly as much as a grossly obese child.

Hopefully, for you, at least, they are not so breathtaking that you die of asphyxiation.

Bloody hell, Donny. Bloody fucking hell.

Chimneys for my pansy friends; chimpazees for my knee friends.

Oh, right? There's a revolution. It all makes sense then. I just thought they were grown men playing make-believe. But if there's a revolution going, well, that's different.

In the picture
Why is that chap trying to kiss me? I don't even know him, and, frankly, I'm not really into that. Stop trying to force your album on me.

In the picture
Why is that chap trying to kiss me? I don't even know him, and, frankly, I'm not really into that. Stop trying to force your album on me.

Is that bitch pretending a watermellon is a phone?

Yes that was pretty awful. You seem a little too self-conscious. Just try and relax and don't worry about hurting people's feelings.