El hairpiece de Bogie

For the record, if you ever need to neutralize drain cleaner, you should not try to use baking soda, since drain cleaner is mostly a mix of bleach and sodium hydroxide. NaOH is a strong base, so Stick really should have used vinegar instead of baking soda in his anti-poison mixture.

I recently showed my two-and-a-half year old the Batman 66 movie. She loved it, which was awesome. Then, like two weeks later, I put a Batman shirt on her and told her she was Batman. Again, she loved that, and I was proud of my parenting skills.

Vanessa Angel is #9 while Claude Rains is #31? Sigh.

Hatari! isn't the best John Wayne movie, but it might be my favorite. Thanks, dad, for taping it off of your work's breakroom HBO subscription in like 1985 and changing my life forever.

My sister-in-law was in your class too (your high school class, probably not that exact script-writing one), and I keep threatening to go as her date to the next reunion so that I can meet RLC and then once my wife gets hit by a bus I can marry her instead.

I want an autogyro so bad.

I've only ever seen this movie in Italian with English subtitles. In Italian, it's called "Tentacoli", which is basically the only word of Italian I speak except for what I've learned in Olive Garden commercials.

The scariest thing in this entire topic is that you just referenced Clue and Battleship in the same sentence.

It doesn't mean you're lame, it just means that you don't have any daughters between the ages of 2 and about 15.

I for one am looking forward to early December, when the pregnant gal gets to give birth without anesthetic or any medical knowledge in a society where they drank all their disinfectants on the first night.

I have a cousin-in-law who has switched from smoking to vaping, so maybe they should have him doing that. It still looks stupid, but in the sort of way that I think might fit into this show.

The best part about assembly is that you can look at it for like an hour and still have no idea what the hell's going on half the time. So we all forgive you for not being sure if it's from a bios.

If they'd do it faster than he's doing it himself, I say we get them right on it.

When will Mothra get her chance to have a big-budget Hollywood film? Movie execs are such sexists!

I don't watch this show kinda ever, but it was on tonight, and I'm confused. Did he really think he was going home? Does he have another idol somewhere? I suppose he didn't know that nobody was really talking much about him when he wasn't around, but they weren't, and so when he dumped out his purse I couldn't figure

I'm hoping for a Broadchurch/Midsomer Murders crossover special.

Now that this lousy show is at long last over, can we finally get a spinoff with the Cuban cop and the skinny tweaky one having wacky misadventures?

Now I'm getting weepy thinking about how great a Noble/Nimoy version of My Two Dads would have been.

You could use this Radio Birdman song. They're an Aussie band, and the song is technically about how watching Hawaii 5-0 is awesome, not about how your state is specifically, but it's still a great song:

I was at a snow game a couple of years back and the music guy was playing Christmas carols between innings. It was really fun. It was still early enough in Target Field's lifespan that they only had one hot chocolate dispensing booth, though, and it was way over by the main gate. I went to a cold game this year and