El hairpiece de Bogie

On the other hand, it's pretty nice to have seats that actually face vaguely towards home plate. I hated the Dome.

Well, I watched them via torrent, and they ran about 44 minutes or so a pop. Wiki, the god of all knowledge, lists them at between 42 and 44 minutes each. So it looks like BBC-A is showing the whole things.

It was broadcast on ITV, not the beeb, so each episode had commercials when originally broadcast too.

Dear Jack,

Yeah, I've always done the -kee way. But more than anything, it only has three syllables, unlike what both this show and NPR would have you believe.

As somebody from the area the show is set in, I mostly watch it for the amusing amount of adobe that's supposedly in northwest Wyoming, and so that I can cringe every time they mispronounce Absaroka. 

I totally did this until the day that one of them got wrapped around the pedal on my bike and I went ass-over-teakettle in the middle of the street. That was the day I started tying them in double knots and I've never looked back.

Well the place ain't called StandingWater, now is it?

We can have them fight for the privilege!

I really didn't like the way they shot the food in this show, honestly. I've gotten used to the slow artistic pans across plates on all of the various Top Chef shows, and so none of the ones this show did quite worked for me. They were too quick and too close, mostly. 

I'm pretty sure that even Catholic nuns know that people have sex.

One teeny grammar nitpick about the review: "Euglassia Watsonia" needs to be written as Euglassia watsonia, in italics with only the generic name capitalized. Well, actually, it needs to be written as Euglossia watsonia, since that's the actual genus in question. I do, however, salute whoever came up with the name for

One more year of me not quite understanding how it is that people watch SVU while vanilla L&O gets canceled.  I mean, I know that child kidnapping rapist terrorists are probably more entertaining than ten minute discussions before an appellate court about the legality of some search procedure, but still. SVU is so

Sadly, the space shuttle is no longer a real thing. :(