
He's the same actor who played Robert Lindus in FX's short-lived but much beloved "Terriers" who suffered a similar fate: running into shit while fleeing.

Just a few more thoughts….

McNulty and T-Tami! Great catch Clastaec!

also loved when coach does everything within his power to get smash to A&M.

I really loved the entire mini-arc when Riggins stayed at the Taylors that no one ever mentions. When coach goes to apologize to Tim for kicking him out was one of the greatest scenes of the series.

It's no surprise that the producers of FNL draw heavily on The Wire, what with the casting of Wallace and D'Angelo and the rawness in which the show was made. So it seems very fitting to me that the series finale paralleled The Wire's ending in it that there seemed to a be a circular poetic-ness. Seeing

A rare "A" grade, I thought those were only reserved for episodes of The Wire!

Well worth the 2 week break. One of the reasons I love this show is for its ability to move me to the edge of tears and Madison Burge's scene when Becky breaks down over her inability to get over her prior experience with Luke and her subsequent abortion was HEARTBREAKING. I remember thinking she

@ Rocket Fuel: Hands down the best one-liner of Season 1.
Close 2nd: Street, "Oh, yeah how are we gonna do that without my NFL money and your whopping 1%." Riggins, "I think that's it, I'm gonna have to go pro." Lyla, "You think you can do that?" Riggins, "…..No."

laughs and chuckles aplenty
This was a really solid episode. I don't remember laughing so many times during an FNL episode, ever. Not to say it didn't have it's serious moments (that look on Julie's face after Allison slaps and humiliates her) or heartfelt moments (has anyone ever done that much acting without talking

I will say that the writers have carefully crafted the show that any sort of outcome is likely and justifiable. It's like what Keith said about the Season 4 Finale; Landry making the field goal or missing it are both very sensible so there becomes a genuine vested interest. In Season 1, the Panthers lost some

I hesitate to call Lyla or Becky weak females. I think they were both written that way to begin with. Becky was highly annoying to me at the beginning of Season 4 but she's come a long way. Same with Lyla; her relationship with Riggins at the end of Season 3 was probably one of the most beautifully (and carefully)

It's apparent in the Season 4 Episode "Lights at Carroll Park." During the scrimmage, Landry throws a B-E-A-UTIFUL deep ball to Vince. When I first watched that episode, I thought, "They're gonna make Landry QB1 to follow Matt, while Vince becomes their unstoppable receiver."

Agreed; Vince's little talk with Andre, among others, was a little too cliche for me. ALTHOUGH, Michael B. Jordan sold it as well as he could've for what the scene entailed.

I teared up a little at the end
2 things that stood out to me.

just me?
who else realized that nick the IT guy is also the guy who pam talks to about graphic design in "job fair"?

I'm not even here on behalf of myself; Skeeter is upset.
Loved Riggins' annoying " All day…all day…all day…all day…"

Your comment lacks validity because you have unforgivingly confused Tyra with Lyla.

Stray Observations
I felt like this episode was a "getting back into the groove" piece, not much happening but plenty of set-up. I welcome it too after a couple massively emotional eps before the holiday break. Although we didn't get much this week (and the Lions game was again predictable but feel-good), there were a

3 weeks?
Loved the return of The Landing Strip. Tinker was awesome; I love it when FNL fleshes out some supporting characters. I think Aimee Teegarden's maturation as an actress is amazing, much like January Jones on Mad Men. Both were just pretty faces with modeling backgrounds and generally learning on the fly, but