
David Wallace
Did no one else catch the "Stephanie hop off," from David Wallace. He's gone, allen's gone, he's boning his secretary, obviously he could care less that the Scranton branch knows DMI is sold. Besides, it's not the same as telling the Yutica branch that they might be laid off.

"Do I sometimes replace my r's with w's? Do I repeat words to get my point across? If so, then Andy sowwy."

At first I thought Matt's reaction was untypical. Typical 7 behavior would be to nod and say thank you etc. But this entire episode is about Matt's unravelling and, as we hear later on, his admission that he hates being rude and hating people and his Dad was an outlet for all his hatred. With that gone, it's

Anybody else hear?
What the fuck happens now that Comcast bought NBC. We know Comcast has a bone up its ass about DirecTV, they wouldn't dare fuck with FNL right?

FNL is the king of throw-away lines. They constantly bring up tidbits in the background that make the Dillon universe so much richer.

I'm going to assume it took you so long to put up this recap because you have been crying since last night like me.

Don't say that! Holly HAS to come back.

"It wasn't me. I'M NOT GOING DOWN FOR THIS!"

Good point Danus, but I would disagree that Don did so with a lot of people's help. Connie had no way of knowing how alike they were, both were really "self-made men" albeit in different ways and they constantly act the foil for people like Roger, who even said himself, "I never started a company, I inherited one."

Oh man. That would've been something. Now I can't stop thinking about it.

I love how that's not the first time Don and Roger have called Peter that. Remember during Season 1 when Pete thought he could pitch copy to Bethlehem Steel? Don: "While I was trying to fix this hash that he made, he was down at (whatever hotel) pitching copy!" Roger: "That little shit." And the ensuing evisceration

What I loved most of that interchange w/Connie and Don was when Connie said, "I've become immune to (all those who whine when they couldn't get their way)" or something to that extent. He had no way of knowing how much Don is like him in regards to building himself up from nothing.

feeling left out?
I wonder how much acting Aaron Staton and Michael Gladis were doing in that last scene when they realized they were left off the SCDP boat. How much of that was real emotions playing out that they might be left off Mad Men Season 4? Can anyone see that happening?

Yeah, we're like the East Dillon Lions and Keith can be our Coach Taylor!

Why does everyone have a problem w/Deb? She's one of my favorite characters on the show; always with the hilarious, albeit crude, mouth and she, not Rita, is the perfect foil for Dexter. She is pure raw emotion, often acting with unruled and reckless abandon while her brother is, as he often tells us, devoid of