
The hatlessness breaks the illusion of cold for anyone who's lived anywhere that gets seriously cold. It gets a bit Dogville, and I end up expecting a cardboard box on a string with "DRAGON" written on it.

How much for [eggplant][eggplant][eggplant][splashing sweat][splashing sweat].com?

Wasn't the prophecy that she'll be killed by "the younger brother", not "your younger brother" specifically? I'll put $5 on death by childbirth, ta.

Presumably they weren't going through everything submitted song by song, just importing vast slab-like libraries of music from a handful of sources.

I can't imagine a self-driving car having any difficulty with icy conditions. Correcting trajectory by applying torque is exactly the sort of problem that's cake for AI. Being able to tell what's in front of it in a heavy snowstorm, on the other hand, seems tricky.

I love how stupid and awful "Stupid Ho" is, to the point where I've played the video for reluctant friends, going "no, come on, do you see how stupid and awful it is, that's fantastic"

There's so many European comics that are omnipresent in Europe but Americans never come into contact with. In extreme cases, they're in print in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, but not in English.

It's like an ultra-dark, nihilistic, surreal mix of Community and Futurama.

This is puzzling. I don't see how anyone with more than a passing interest in music would be unable to enjoy cLOUDDEAD or Sun Ra or Gentle Giant or late Scott Walker, but I also don't understand how anyone with more than a passing interest in music could like Yes.

You should become estranged.

Zappa's more approachable work is so heavily based in goofing on current cultural phenomena of the time that it's getting more and more incomprehensible as time goes on. I'm interested to see if he'll be on anybody's radar at all in another 15-20 years.

Akira isn't even a good movie. It's a lot of beautiful animation depicting random visual highlights snipped out of a long and complicated story, leaving the plot, character relationships, etc. completely incoherent and nonsensical.

I loved all the weird conceptual stuff in the first half of House of Leaves, but I've never managed to slog my way to the backhalf. For all its manic cleverness, it's a very dreary, heavy read from page to page.

But without hats, they're 100% failing to sell "it's cold". Might as well shoot those sequences in Wales instead and save on snow.

It would also be easier to tell who was who if they were naked, but that would kill suspension of disbelief almost as hard. As a Northerner (maybe a Wildling, technically), it 100% reads as "it's not cold" 100% of the time people hang around hatless.

But there's a subreddit specifically for people who want to force spoilers on the unwilling and call them "kneelers" for not watching leaked episodes too, and it regularly makes r/all. Buncha Joffreys.

I'd take 2:1 on everyone unexpectedly making it back alive from the suicide mission but at least one major character (but more likely two) elsewhere equally unexpectedly snuffing it. I'm liking the odds on Littlefinger, given that he's toying with Arya; I'd be surprised to see him make next season.

I can't imagine Jorah going out unless he does something plot-shifting first. They've spent so long getting that grizzled old duck in the row that it's got to have some kind of purpose.

She won't live to deliver the baby, one way or another. There's just no way.

Tywin was a third cousin twice removed or something along those lines; Bobby B's closest known living relative at the moment is Jaime Lannister, who took the Kingsguard vows, leaving Cersei next in line to the throne even if she'd never married Fat Bob.