
At this point I'm pretty much expecting to see anyone but Daenerys on the Iron Throne at the end of the show. Gendry, Jon Snow (probably not, he's King in the North for good), Jaime (currently legitimately Robert's heir if we count the Kingsguard vows as revoked), Samwell, Arya, but..

Or were. I think it's been 10+ years since they were around. This is like a Lipps Inc gag in 1991.

A friend of mine used to work night security at a Showbiz Pizza, and there wasn't even an off switch for the animatronics. They just roamed around in the dark at night, and sometimes they'd try to get into the security room and eat him.

Is this soapy? It sounds like it could be interesting but it also sounds like it could be soapy.

I assume mass deportation?

Yeah, they're more like a Family Guy or South Park bit, but I don't think there's footage of Seth McFarlane or Parker & Stone in Nazi garb knocking around.

Mustaine wanted Friedman to change his name to hide his Jewishness and is a huge psychotic far-right dink, though. Great riffs but man, what a terrible asshole.

"Oi" punk mostly, I would guess.

Like all the other British first wave punks wearing swastikas or iron crosses to annoy people (their parents/grandparents having been the WWII generation), yeah.

You really have to reach and make some logic pretzels to paint any of that as being in any way authentic expression of his opinions. Or just brush past the context of anything, like trying to see what the worst thing the sign guys would hold up for $5 was or attributing "Death to all Jews" to a third party as a

I generally like JackSepticEye a lot as long as I skip the very beginning and end of the video so I don't have to listen to him screeching his catchphrases. Once he settles down and gets on with it he's pretty personable, but like pretty much every YouTuber with a young audience he feels obliged to open "high energy",

He was a Nazi in the same way that Mitchell & Webb were Nazis. As in, he wore a Nazi uniform as part of a skit.

I don't think Sonic OCs are ever sexualized, oddly enough. You see a lot of Sonic porn if you keep sticking your nose in the odd-smelling crevices of the Internet, but it's all canon characters.

I know all things tend towards disorder and decay, but it's still sad.

A Moore-era Bond could absolutely have made all those laser watches and invisible cars work. The Brosnan Bonds just couldn't nail a tone, any tone, and were just .. bad. Everything was bad. An invisible car isn't good or bad in itself, it's a question of the context it's in.

I really hope so. This is like having a run of five Star Wars movies that are about infidelity tearing apart a middle-class family in 1960s rural Scotland.

I'm hoping they take inspiration from On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Moonraker, and Octopussy.

You're fucking joking, right? Dame Edna Everage would be better for the role than any of those three, and she's a comedy drag character in her eighties.

I wanted him not to. My list of Bond films I don't like and don't want to see again consists of the ones with Pierce Brosnan and the ones with Daniel Craig. (The former come across as self-parodic TV movie knockoffs of James Bond movies, the latter don't substantially resemble James Bond movies.)

On Her Majesty's Secret Service tends to turn up near the top of Bond film rankings, usually at #1.