
Bond movies used to come in two types: Good-bad, and bad-bad. One category enjoyably and pleasantly dumb and iffy (On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Moonraker, Thunderball), the other unpleasantly and tediously dumb and iffy (Die Another Day, The World Is Not Enough, License To Kill). The line is vague.

He's easily my least favourite. The appeal of Bond for me is that they're goofy fun movies with laser watches and chases on skis and stuff, and the James Bourne movies Craig is in completely whiff that. He's a solid actor, but I don't care for the Bonds he's in at all. I'd rather have Lazenby or Dalton (although I

That's where they got the idea. It's literally "hey, Sonic fans love creating their own Steve-the-Hedgehog characters, we should put that in the game".

Tyrion's next in line when Cersei snuffs it.

Actually, that list is male descendants (dead), then female descendants (dead), then relatives (there's a lot more of them that we haven't met, mostly dead, the rest otherwise disqualified) such as distant cousins like Tywin Lannister and his kids.

The Sonic fandom is its own bizarre beast, and even more likely to be found lurking in an attic bedroom.

I'm pretty sure Tennant can do a cool-in-his-own-mind yuppie and I can see Sheen doing a "reserved but volubly fussy" bit with a little extra gray streaked into his hair and beard.

He's a bit all over the place. His short novels and children's books are pretty great. He's at his best when his prose is restricted to a few text boxes per page - it boils down real good but can be a little mealy in bulk.

The plot was a scaffold to hang digressions on. That's like liking the interstate network but not any of the places it goes to.

Bryan Fuller doing it like American Gods but with 2022 CGI technology.

This is Robert's line of succession and reasons for their disqualification (disregarding secret incest babies):

Nobody glowers like Mormont, nobody showers like Mormont.

Also, a constant and unending fan meme for the past three seasons has been "But where's Gendry?" "HE'S STILL ROWING"

I assumed he was recreating Jesse's power for his own satisfaction. "He can get people to do whatever he says? Big deal, so can I."

I'm not sure it's possible to unironically set a magic at to a Europe song. If someone does, I think I love them just for being such an incredible putz.

Have you seen Penn & Teller: Fool Us? The show ostensibly exists because Penn & Teller want that special feeling of "I have no idea how he did that" again, and they're equally annoyed and delighted every time they go "we're thinking you had a Russian reverse truss under your shirt and pulled a bunk on the dipper" and

He is the literal worst. There are some pretty impressive tricks in his repertoire, but the problem is the part where David Copperfield is there, prancing around and pointing dramatically like the world's biggest wankstain while the guys behind the curtains press the buttons to make the things go.

Penn & Teller's version of cups & balls involves doing it once the regular way, then again with clear cups so you can see everything happen. This is pretty much their MO.

Anyone who unironically sets their act to Lux Aeterna or something from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack can automatically fuck off before they even start to perform trick one.

We've been watching Penn & Teller: Fool Us in our household lately, since we ran out of Parks & Rec as our "lighthearted snack between heavy dramas". I've noticed that I like magicians primarily for their patter, charm, jokes, secondarily for the presentation, tertiarily for the cool/novel tricks, and, uh,