
Oh my god yes.

All the best characters are supporting cast. I want more of all the fun ones interacting with each other without the wet blanket of Jesse & Tulip dragging them down.

It's often the most interesting part of the episode for me. Jesse and Tulip are so uninteresting that, unless they're actually doing something or something's happening to them, their parts without Cass are often solid yawners.

I think it was a "Not fucking literally, Jesus Christ" moment.

C'mon, everyone talks to themselves. It's okay to admit it.

To me the characters read like the date-rapist douchebro is actually just straight up a worse person than Hitler, just never had the opportunity to preside over a genocide.

So what happens to a vampire who goes out in the sun, again? They just burn indefinitely and never die?

Honestly, I'd almost recommend just starting from Season 2. It's a road movie type story and they don't get on the road until the end of S1.

If you offered me indefinite lifespan in exchange for never being able to go out in the sun again, I'd ask how much I have to pay and as a just-out-of-interest aside whether I get to keep all my limbs &c.

You don't really tan much from light through a window or indirect sunlight, either, so it makes a kind of sense.

I'm not sure the third can be undone. Unless it was all a dream.

I'd love to see Wes Anderson do an action movie. Or a ghost story. Or a slasher flick. Or a scifi adventure.

That's 2001! It's also from a whole different subspecies of cornball EDM.

That would be foolish. It's largely a satire of cyberpunk cliches (plus some of Neal Stephenson's usual "hey I'm totally geeking out about this topic so I'm just going to drop in big irrelevant chunks of it like I'm a goddamn edutainment cartoon" schtick, which would have to go) and successfully spoofing the

Retro 80s future, obviously. If you update it to a modern future you've just flushed the core concept and left yourself with some trimmings and one of the cuff buttons to work with.

I've been hearing the occasional "most underrated film of the year" about that, lately. I'm considering checking it out.

The Lawnmower Man effects are too 90s. They need to go cruder and more retro.

You can't adapt a parody without adapting the source material first. It wouldn't make any sense to movie-watchers who haven't been avid readers of the genre unless they've already seen the movies of Neuromancer &al.

Oh jesus christ no. It's just alternate history. In this world, floppy disks and shit coexisted with jacking your brain into computers to swoop around in a (presumably grainy and largely green & black) world.

Making them into films would be a slam-dunk, I think. The stories are simple and straightforward and script-friendly, and really the meat in that hamburger is the description of what things look and sound like. They're audiovisual experiences first and foremost, even if the audio and visuals are imaginary. If you can