
The first one is pretty good. The second one's also pretty good. The third one is an abysmal car crash.

God I fucking hope not. The last one was total garbo and a huge letdown after the first one was so solid. Everything just boiled down to "computers are magic and can do anything!"

Whodunit and detective fiction aren't entirely overlapping genres.

Wow, misogynist much?

Also a better singer.

I had a couple of okay ones. Super Mario Mothers was my favorite, a tamagotchi/Mario hybrid where you raise new Mario siblings and if you don't keep up their nutrition or insufficiently encourage their independence they end up getting hit by a shell and falling into lava.

I remember a clip of him impressing Xzibit with his skills. And I think he's still got a standing offer from Jurassic 5 to get on the mic at their shows.

Oh, the movie's awful. It's supposed to be. It's audaciously, confrontationally awful. "Still with me? Let's see you suckers keep watching *this*. And *this*."

Speaking of Harmonquest, a bunch of people who worked on that are on the team for that "Good Game" thing starring the boys from Game Grumps, and relatedly Dan Harmon was the guest on the latest Guest Grumps. Which runs for *121* minutes instead of the usual 10 for a Game Grumps episode.

It was always all about the Griffin/Nick teamup for me. CoolGames Inc. is, for my money, by far the best thing any McElroy has ever been involved with. Everything else was always just a substitute time-killer when there wasn't a new CGI yet.

It used to be extremely hard to browse xtube's male videos without seeing him jamming half a dozen mini basketballs up that hula hoop he calls an anus, because he slapped every possible tag on each of upload and they showed up in any search you did.

It's usually manly, childish shit like sports team paraphernalia and car posters.

For all we know, she married him for his Nintendo collection. I know a few lasses who would.

I really hope they don't pretty it up at all. RuPaul doing coke off a dick up on the balconies at Limelight or no sale.

Cersei looks very blank-faced-upset in that picture. I bet she's just heard that Jaime fell in some water and nobody's seen him since. Or that he's been captured.

We're planning to drop it as soon as there's nothing we're not OK with not watching, and that appears to be never. We just found Penn & Teller: Fool Us on there and a third season of Voltron turned up. There'll always be something.

Recently one of them saw some brown guys, one of whom was wearing a rival team's shirt, and attacked them with vengeful fury, screaming "I'M MILLWALL!"

None of the Fallout games have acceptable quality FPS gameplay. They might as well ditch it, because it sucks every time. The graphics are always a generation behind and generally on the ugly side, too. The quests and characters are the only things worth coming for, and in 4 the quests consisted of "go to a building,

"The circus near me held a competition to find the best contortionist. So I entered myself, and won." -Gary Delaney

Bad news! The TV series will not adapt the books, it'll be the Young Indiana Jones of Dark Tower.