
I barely tolerated the young Roland stuff. A prequel series is the worst of all possible worlds and the darkest timeline.

They better not pick it up from where they left off. Move it forward ten years. Bobby graduates from community college and moves back in with his parents or something.

"I sell cocaine and cocaine accessories."

I have no idea whether you're being sarcastic. I'd happily file all of those except the Chemical Brothers in the "evidence for the case against" folder right alongside Limp Bizkit and Smash Mouth.

How about "music snobs rag on stuff they're retroactively embarrassed to have listened to"?

"We're an actual boy band. Those guys are all old and don't play instruments. They should be called men groups." -One of the Hansons, paraphrased

Technical proficiency is acquirable. The people who want to be chops nerds are chops nerds. There's a million million shitty groups out there playing tedious high-tempo nonsense in alternating 11/16 and 9/8. There's way more bands that are held back by a paucity of creativity and a plain inability to see a way to turn

DJs at the parties I go to are still almost as likely to drag out something off Fat of the Land as they are to drop Voodoo People on an unsuspecting dancefloor. But maybe it's just them.

Puff Daddy makes ICP, Vanilla Ice, 50 Cent, and The Ultimate Warrior's abortive rap career look good by comparison. He is the gold standard for making it in any creative field without the slightest smidgen of talent for it. Sure those other guys sucked, but Vanilla Ice wrote his own shitty rhymes instead of paying

I can't believe that No Use For A Name recorded that song, listened back to it, and either start playing a hell of a lot slower or fire the drummer and get a new one. Dude can't even count to four at that tempo. What is that kick drum supposed to be? Triplets? Some kind of off-beat quintuplet?

I recall seeing a lot of every Oasis album. And then the €1 each section that had various Eurodance groups. Sin With Sebastian in particular (remember "Shut Up (And Sleep With Me)"? It might as well be the only song on the album) tended to be five copies for €1 or just have as many free as you want as long as you take

Not only does "Björksnäs" mean "Björk's nose", which is disquieting in itself, as far as I can tell the name applies to a bunch of vases and bowls and some chairs and bookshelves. Applying any one of those to your description makes for a simply riotous & gut-busting mental image, except for the nose.

Their bilberry and rhubarb juice drink concentrates are super good.

Really? You figure the head of the Starks would have been richer than the twenty-third in line to head the Lannister dynasty?

According to the link in the article, those things they're wearing that look like sheepskins that have been dyed black? They're sheepskins that have been dyed black.

Their incredibly cheap stuff is actually pretty cheap. Their moderately priced stuff is super solid.

I can't quite imagine them eating open-faced shrimp sandwiches with mayo and a wedge of lemon.

If I had a nickel for every time etc etc

- clean your fucking cold storage, what the hell is this, oh my god, I've eaten here

And a delicious burger made with fresh, local ingredients, yes? Alright, big boy.