
Most restaurants go under within a year of opening, and the show was exclusively about Ramsay intervening in particularly disastrously failing restaurants. He should've gotten a medal and commendation for each one that stayed open for another six months.

I can't understand how it could possibly have had word of mouth legs. (Word of mouth legs, what a great phrase. Congratulations, me.) What kind of improbably spunkbadger would have seen that thing and then told someone else to go see it?

I find it to be hugely entertaining and interesting dumb nonsense. It's like listening to Shooby Taylor or reading Bob Dylan's novel.

Madonna doesn't have one front-to-back certified classic Greatest Hits album, even. She's got, like.. "Like A Prayer" and "Vogue". There's a lot of indifferent and disposable Greatest Hits of 1984 6CD Mega Box filler like "Like A Virgin" in that catalog, plus of course the godawful and unlistenable later stuff like

She is kind of like Britney Spears or Katy Perry, if Britney Spears could sing at all, or Katy Perry had a half-competent songwriter on the team and could sing well.

Both, really.

Time falls wanking to the floor.

It's a great role for a guy with a face for radio.

I don't understand how he supposedly has a college degree when he has the mental agility and depth of cottage cheese.

I just want to read the scripts after I've watched the episodes.

Is there anything we can do to reassign this person to flipping burgers? Is there a Kickstarter I could donate to?

Please let it be just like Valerian but without the sagging back half and a stupid and pointless will-they-won't-they "romance" subplot.

I'm kind of not. Imagine how good this show would be if anyone could still die at any time. Dany and Jon both have plot armor so heavy and thorough it's riveted to the inside of their arseholes, and I wish they didn't.

We went to see Valerian on saturday. It was pretty good! Sagged towards the end, pointless will-they-won't-they romance subplot was emphasized too much, but it was a whole lot of crazy over-the-top aliens and weird worlds.

What does engineering have to do with anything? RE2 was a slightly inferior port on the N64 and that's it. Having a marginally worse version of another system's title isn't that much of a selling point.

The generation hasn't aged well, but the 64 was particularly bad. Nintendo cut costs on the video RAM so all the textures are about eight by eight pixels and stretched out to a mile long, which means that bright colors smeared unpleasantly and earth tones or the like were just an undifferentiated mush.

Smash Bros and F-Zero were fantastic games, and Mario Kart 64 was pretty good. The rest of the N64's library is largely shovelware junk. Even the ostensible highlights don't hold up well. With hindsight, it had the two worst Zeldas (excluding CDi), although "worst Zelda" may qualify as "praising with faint damns", and

I just found my copy the other day. I bought it for £0.02 from a used CD seller on Amazon (because I heard it was good and I really liked Wide Open Space) and haven't gotten around to listening to it yet. :/

It was a real dark time for pop music. Spice Girls on one side, The Amazing Interchangeable Lou Perlman Boys on the other side, New Radicals racing up from behind, all frothing at the gills to jam bland oatmealy guff down your earholes until you gave up on the radio forever.

It's the best Oasis album for my money. It's at least trying to deliver something other than meat and potatoes.