
It's better than the second season but not as good as the first one.

So's "Hocus Pocus" or "Roundabout" or the Macarena, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily good per se.

You have to guess.

Gay guys send dick pics all the time. Straight guys think "If I was a woman, what would I like? A picture of a guy's junk, right?" because they're guys and not actually women, so they get it wrong. With gay guys it's more like "If I was me, what would I like?" so the dick pics do gangbuster business. But yes, there's

Alternative point of view: What a fucking tool.

I don't think anyone has ever suggested that Tacoma or Gone Home should be considered a meal.

As far as I've seen, yeah, the people who get a nice red-hot rage-on about the topic do tend to be angry about moderately interactive narratives not getting enough respect. I'm just waiting for one to blow up at the assertion that, say, The Godfather or OK Computer isn't a game.

I don't see any reason to exclude any kind of interactive entertainments from the interactive entertainments discussion, but it does still strike me as particularly silly to call, say, Proteus a game because there isn't a more accurate word for it. You can make one up. You don't have to call all things by the name of

You can't just use "art game" as if it doesn't contain multitudes of things other than virtual installations.

The Wall is a tedious slog of an album, marking the cutoff point where Pink Floyd stopped being any good. Pistols at dawn?

Yeah, but if you go poking around a rehearsal space complex half the bands in there can probably whip out a Yes cover and do just fine. The Venn diagram of people who actively pursue playing music as an interest and people who only know three chords and can't play in 7 barely intersects.

There was a (Q Magazine, I think) review of "Yes" by Yes that consisted of "No. [** ]"

I'd put Comfortably Numb around the top ten I guess, but Wish You Were Here somewhere should go about halfway down the list because it's a late-career Coldplay song that fell into a time vortex.

You do get a real sense of Wyman being a clueless mook, it's true.

I just checked to see where the worst Pink Floyd song landed (comfortably within the top 20) and then I was done.

Nobody involved with those movies wants to be remembered as being involved with those movies.

I assume he's gay and was called the other f-word. I mean, a straight guy wouldn't get that upset about it.

He was working as a security guard and handyman. He doesn't have money.

Is everyone in it going to be working on a novel about a middle-aged English professor with a drinking problem contemplating infidelity?

They better be still setting it in the 80s. You can't remake a TV show that's about the 80s and leave out the 80s.