
Ir is incredly close to being a legit banger for a corny novelty song.

I don't like Jesse or Tulip either but I'm still enjoying the show, if that helps.

And we don't know how tight the parameters are. For all we know he could go to hell because he looked at a titty once when he was thirteen.

I like both okay but I have to side against the Oasis fan because of course I do.

I'm still annoyed they haven't worked together.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

Or xylophone or xenon, yeah. But no, I think having the X stuck on the end after a consonant in an attempt to make it unpronounceable is what really gives it the feeling of someone just cheating at Scrabble.

The bug up my butt is that there's a fucking X in it. It's like it's waving a big flag that says NOT A REAL WORD.

ed balls

I've never really thought of Ian McShane as "distinguished". I've always known him first and foremost resembling a downmarket David Hasselhoff in his leather jacket and permed mullet, while portraying the raffish and slightly dodgy eponymous antiques dealer in the BBC comedy-drama "Lovejoy".

This is related to my issue; I go "awwh so cute" at soft-butch girls and want to ruffle their hair, but then they don't have cocks so I dunno what to do with them beyond that.

You can just have the dishes without much chili in, you know.

Oh, absolutely. It's not even rare to see gay men tucked cosily into the "enemy" box along with straight white men because "they're so misogynistic they won't even sleep with women".

It was a term referring to people who berate, bully, and threaten other people on the Internet as a hobby or pretend form of activism ("keyboard warrior"), with "social justice" as the casus belli justifying their Trumpie-like behaviour.

You're telling me that someone who spends their time yelling at an old man for having bad opinions on Twitter is an unpleasant person? Inconceivable!

Same deal with SJW, innit? It used to be a sarcastic description of shitty keyboard warriors (hence "warrior") whose "activism" extended all the way from yelling at people on the Internet for failing to perfectly align with their political views to sending death threats to people for same. Now it's just used for

The fifth one is eminently skippable, and the back half of the seventh one just kinda sucks, but they're better than the first one - it reads like something written by a bright teenager with a brainful of portent and importance and no real idea of where the story's going.

He likes the good ones, but doesn't like the Shining because it chops and changes a lot, especially mangling the core themes of the book into a movie about something else entirely.

It's a pretty good series overall. The last book runs out of interesting characters worth caring about and then just keeps going and the fifth one is pretty much an irrelevant waste of time, but if you already got through the worst book in the series you might as well finish it.

And Temple of Doom is 3/4 of a bad one, with the other 25% just missing.