
Wow. I thought he was a CGI effect with a normal sized head and hands on a child's body or something.

It reminded me a lot of Wonder Showzen's infamous "Patience" episode. (It takes something like a minute to get out "this episode brought to you by paaaaaaaaaaaaatiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnce", all sketches go on for an eternity, and the last half is the first half played backwards)

Their posts tend to be hidden because they've been downvoted into oblivion, unlike on the AV Club.

No, it's pretty much gone from being Reddit and the AV Club to just being Reddit.

The human race, everybody.

Pretty much every subreddit already has a shiny look pasted over the standard black-on-white. And most users turn them off because the plain vanilla version is better.

I'd like to make mine a big deal, but with blackjack and hookers.

Having a "candy day" means you abstain the rest of the week, yeah. Kids get candy on a Saturday and that's it. "Can we buy some candy?" "Why Billy, you know it's not Saturday yet, you'll just have to wait."

Well that goes under "happist to learn" for me, then.

Not "unhappiest to learn" about all the grotesque racial stereotypes that I assume are buried somewhere in that rogues' gallery? Wasn't there a coolie hat wearing dude called something like Ping Chang Chun who twirls his long droopy moustache a bunch and turns into a dragon?

I hope they also give him $55M for basically self-starting a huge McDonalds advertising campaign on a third party's dime.

The best pizza I ever had was chicken, chorizo, pineapple, and rucola.

My skin is crawling. The Rook was one of the best urban/modern fantasy books I've ever read, a solid 5/5, and it's being adapted by one of the worst writers alive. Jesus. Please give her like four competent writers to work with and then ideally kick her off the project because she's being a hassle or something.

If I have to put money on one character to make it to the end, all odds being equal, I'm putting it on Arya. Characters less likely to make it out alive include Tyrion, Varys, Jon Snow, and Daenerys.

OK, OK, "shitty cutscenes with bits of tedious gameplay in between".

He's gay, isn't he? That's what he wanted Scientology treatment for in the first place, I thought, same as Travolta.

I guess he won't take HGH. Did you see what Stallone looked like when he turned 70?

Patrick Warburton.

"I need you to do something unusual." "How's this? *levitates cup into hand*" killed me sufficiently to keep me on the hook for at least another three seasons.

Wait, they made a second season?!