
This was why I stopped watching The Sopranos. I realized I loathed every character on the show and was just hoping they'd die soon, so I dropped the show and pretended it suddenly ended with bombs falling and everyone dying.

Silverchair when they were shitty (albums #2 and #3). I'm still okay with liking Silverchair when they were okay (album #1), and I still like Silverchair when they were good (#4 and #5) a lot.

The drum solo in "Bullet With Butterfly Wings". That's really the fifteen seconds of the otherwise perfectly okay song that I tune in for.

There's always backing music to guitar solos, too, that doesn't make them not solos. Whether a soloist is accompanied or not usually makes the difference between a good solo and a good moment to hit fast forward.

Oooooh. Yeah, that's probably the best keyboard solo of all time. I especially like the bit where he arpeggiates a chord but leads into every note from half a step down, one after another.

And Rocko's had beaver-eating jokes. So..?

It won't be Rocko's Modern Life without some "how did they sneak that one past" jokes.

Fuck me, they pay Chris Evans? I assumed he had dirt on them so they had to let him do stuff. Why not just give that money to the Doctor Who crew and cut him loose? Nobody gives a shit who's on breakfast radio and nobody wanted him on Top Gear.

C'mon. It's the smash hit of the decade. They must have made, like, $15-20k between them by now.

I heard it was the biggest thing since Gangnam Style so I sought it out. After the first minute and a half I sought it back in again, because there was nothing interesting about it at all.

Tangentially, I've been reading "The Great Stephen King Re-Read" on tor.com and the author had a fairly long bit on That Scene and later a summary in his first-half roundup:

I think Limp Bizkit has an unfairly definitional status in the nu-metal pantheon. They're the only ones that I recall doing "aw yeah break shit" type lyrics and leaning heavily into dum-dum gangsta rap iconography. The rest were mostly writing "I feel bad all the time and the kids at school beat me up :(" lyrics and

They were a nü metal band that, over time, drifted off in the direction of shoegaze and whatever the hell Radiohead is.

There's a furry subcategory for everything under the sun, though. I dunno why there's such a keenness to create more smaller boxes, but there's milfurs (both active duty military and chickenhawk fanboys), christfurs (don't ask), Burned Furs (stamp out the filth! make furry decent again!) and fuck knows what else.

"A furry" is short for "a furry fan". There used to be a distinction between "furries", i.e. Disney's Robin Hood and Bugs Bunny and whatnot, and "furry fans", i.e. people who were interested in enough in same to go to conventions about them and optionally make or purchase elaborate costumes. But "furry fan" got

Seems more likely, but on the other hand there was that half-assed chlorine gas attack against one furcon a year or two back.

Mostly fantasy Scotland, so yes, Scandinavia or maybe England is exactly right.

I wonder how involved he is with that Michele Morrow/Jesse Cox/Game Grumps thing he's producing.

No. Fidget spinners are a new thing that kids like. Trump supporters haaaaate them.

"I play some Rage Against The Machine riffs with kind of sloppy timing and a really horrible mushy-screechy guitar tone. Please like, comment, and subscribe."