
Jesse thought in the beginning that Huel lifted his cigs and took the ricin one, Walt managed to convince him that Gus had poisoned Brock. Knowing what he does now about Walt and realizing Huel took his pot he put it together, kind of a reality check that shook him out of his stupor.

Hey Battlecar Compactica you mentioned Gomez' sympathy for Jesse, probably not plausable, but back when Lydia got warned before Hank showed up it seemed like there could be a cop helping. Maybe it's Gomez

FX is my fav, and has been since Sunny started, the backstory for that show would have made me an FX fan even if I had not liked Sunny from the beginning.

You are probably right unless the dentist is somehow involved maybe without his knowledge.


It came across to me that she was just giving him a quick answer to shut him up.

I agree, I hope they turn him around because I was really starting to dislike him this season.

Maybe I misunderstood but I gathered the angels were being banished from heaven sort of like Lucifer was, if that's the case I would assume they still have their powers. Lucifer still had his.

I was thinking that if they get locked out they could possibly lose their power as Cass did early in season 5, cut off from the home office as Dean put it

So Lily and Marshal are going to Italy for a year, does that mean they will attend the wedding before leaving and be gone most of next season or are they going to skip ahead a year?

He and Dallas were talking about moving in together before Shelia got involved.

George isn't a shitty parent for making a decision for his own happiness. Tessa wants to be treated like an adult yet everytime George makes a decision she doesn't like she reacts like the child she really is and runs away. George has put the feelings of everyone before his own from the beginning of the show. Even the

George lets Tessa make her own decisions even at the expense of his own feelings and the first time he makes a decision for his own happiness she acts like a baby and runs away. His handling of telling her was the wrong way to go about it but he was right on the money about her reaction. He was right about Dallas too.

She is great! But so is everyone on the show, great cast they all play their parts well.

I don't think it really dawned on her until his comment about the house she wanted to get

I know, she looked amazing in that wedding scene

She is a gorgeous lady!

Mike had another great line when Sue wanted to get out of line to change her form but I cant remember how it goes.

He is so great in this role he makes you forget the janitor!

I think so, the showrunner said he had a storyline idea that would take it through to season 10.