
I thought about that scene as well, since the MOL episode they seem to have channeled back to what made it so great in seasons 1-5. I think we are seeing the start of the storyline that will end the show.

It was mentioned/happened in an older episode when one of the boys tried to kill a demon but failed, if you don't do it right they don't die. They have also used the knife to torture demons by just poking or cutting them to get info.

I liked the conversation between the two when she told Henry he was brave and he said he was scared. My immediate thought was that's what makes Henry a badass, even though he was scared he still did what it took to get them out of the situation they were in.

Calling someone Chief or calling someone Guy makes me want to go all Elizabeth/Claudia on that person

I never really cared for John Boy acting wise but he is really impressing me here.

I didn't think it was the Soviets but I also didn't think it was Americans either, I was thinking maybe spys from another country

I'm probably in the minority but I also enjoyed Yes Dear. There was just something about it that I liked. I could never put my finger on why, but then a while back I was watching a rerun of it and noticed the Garcia thing at the end of the episode like with Hope and Earl and it dawned on me>

That was really for the Almost Famous parody they were doing

I thought the old guy meant it would be bad to an average person since he was not aware that Sam was a hunter.

I liked that too! It's as though they finally have a way to coexist despite their different viewpoints Sam being the Winchester side (MoL) while Dean is the Campbell side (hunter) of their family.

I was thinking the reason for no Cass is because this may have something to do with the angel lady controling him.

I absolutely love this show and makes me happy to see so many people enjoying it as much as I do.

I absolutely love this show and makes me happy to see so many people enjoying it as much as I do.

I was thinking that too, with his reaction to Sam asking him about Cas, and with the flash that accompanied his return. Cas said last season that he believed he kept being reincarnated as punishment for the things he did so I think he will be back at some point.

I was thinking that too, with his reaction to Sam asking him about Cas, and with the flash that accompanied his return. Cas said last season that he believed he kept being reincarnated as punishment for the things he did so I think he will be back at some point.

I figured he was going to be the same character when I saw him but he has a different character name so I guess not.

I figured he was going to be the same character when I saw him but he has a different character name so I guess not.