Isn't Jim doing voiceovers for insurance commercials?
Isn't Jim doing voiceovers for insurance commercials?
What is it with dudes not wanting male massage therapists?
I don't know if you are over-thinking it, so much as expecting a little too much from it. I mean, I love classics. But you've got to approach them with an understanding that even things that were progressive or transgressive then are utterly dated now.
I was hoping both Lizzie and Brooke would make it. Top Chef Canada is even worse for female participants.
They should really put Shereen and Padma on one show, so I could just watch the other.
Honestly the first thing that popped into my mind was Concord Candles, but that's more of an Orillia thing.
Things to do in Concord: visit the Greater Toronto Ten Pin Bowl or Jane & 407 Bingo Centre! I think Muzak would've fit right in as is.
That would be a horrible waste of Tom Hardy.
But are they on your breasts? Be specific.
Yea, but you'd think "female nipples" would cover that. I just feel like I lost the nipple lottery now.
Baby needs colostrum?
female breast nipples
Even if Lizzie weren't a pretty cool chef, her accent and lack of douche-y moustache and bacon tees would put her leagues ahead of Josh.
I stumbled upon the fantastic and am reading The Best Ghost Stories. We were talking about reading books from the early 20th century at work, specifically how strange it is when you have a book that might have been progressive at the time, but is laughably racist now. If nothing else, the forward is a…
I plowed through the first couple seasons of Top Chef Canada and caught up on Top Chef US 10 over the past couple weekends. Basically the person who gets cut gets the most facetime. I'm hoping Sheldon only has minor background appearances tonight so he can sail into the top three, and that Josh is plastered all over…
That's what made The Goode Family so unappealing for me. King of the Hill did it so well, having characters be right sometimes, wrong others, and fluid in a way that they were willing to learn and compromise (sometimes). It was a lot more human.
I had I Will Wait For You on my "I should download these songs" list and by the time I got around to it, I was like, what will you even do with this song? Put it on the instant tears and depression playlist?
When is the last time you saw credit given to a tech or graphic designer or programmer on stage? I'm not saying the comics shouldn't be paid, but I think they do get more out of it.
Ah I keep mixing up the Selick connection and the Laika connection, my bad.
I don't really have an issue with authors exploring a theme or premise more than once in different ways, and I think Coraline has enough merit to stand on its own.