Henley Regatta

Gerry Anderson
Had great memories of this show when it was first aired, especially the one when a baby was born and it aged superfast. Freaked out my nine year old self.

Love 'The Grey Album', but must admit I prefer 'A Night at The Hip-Hopera' by The Kleptones. I just think Queen lend themselves better to the mashup than The Beatles.

Yes, got to echo the previous posters. Very disappointing that a little island of dance/electronic music on AVC can't survive more than a few months.

The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People
Great for erm, dipping into while on the john.

I think there was only one Scot in Lord Rockingham's XI, Harry Robinson. The rest were London based session musos/jazzers. Still, it's an absolute blast of a record.

Number one with a Bullitt.

Essential Mix
Holy Cow! That site's incredible, where do I start? The David Holmes mixesfrom 97/98 look pretty solid, only one I can recommend from memory is the Francois Kevorkian from 2006 and the Four Tet from last month, but there's more than enough to keep me going for years.

Famous in Britain
Cornelius Cardew, Piano Magic. Famous? They're hardly Cheryl Cole or Dizzie Rascal type household names

British TV moments
An AV club supplement:

Short People
AV Club should do an inventory of nasty, mean spirited, fucked up dwarves in movies starting with Bad Santa.

I have high hopes for this. If anyone can pull this off, Morris can.

In the unlikely event someone from that site's reading this, what happened to it? Now it's a site for German house accessories.

That's a fantastic tribute from Edgar Wright. Worth checking it just so you can see the titles for Callan which gave me the heebeegeebees as a kid.

Ah, makes sense now.

and/or Up
I thought this was the only one guaranteed to be nominated.

Jarvis Cocker
I heard that Jarvis was dropped from the US screenings as nobody could understand him. Is that true or has he just been redubbed?

I guess that Malcolm Tucker and TTOI is still under the radar, I'll fuck the fuck off then.

The Thick of It
'Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off..' How you could rate that wet dream 'The West Wing' higher ' is a little baffling.

Faking It
Didn't you guys get it, or was it bubbling under the runners up?

CEO Hank Risan I'd guess.