Henley Regatta

Steve Coogan should do it..
..as long as he stays in character as Alan Partridge.

''…but not a secular Christian''
Never been to Scotland obviously.

AV Club UK
As you're all going big style on localisation how about a section for your posters from the old country where we can moan about soccerball, warm beer and why there isn't enough Chris Morris on AV club?

A Serious Man
Six screens? Holy shit, didn't these guys win a shitload of Oscars last year or was I dreaming it?

Can't see 'In the Loop' being nominated for BP but I can see possible acting nods for Galdolfini and Capaldi and adapted screenplay too.

'Thought the book of The Damned United was phenomenal - Clough's narration manages to be both so claustrophobic you're desperate to get away from it but so compelling you can't stop reading.'

Mick Jagger
I always thought he was kind of sleazy, I guess that's part of his appeal. But the 'wanting to do this since you were 10 years old' line is almost as gross as Papa John's misedmeanours.

Shame about the intrusive canned laughter which was prevalent back in those days.

Reeves and Mortimer
I know they famously bombed big time at the Montreal comedy festival in the early 90s playing to 10 minutes of bemused silence but if you like the Boosh you may like these guys.

Brit release?
Will this be published in the UK or will I have to pay some ridiculous shipping fee to get my copy?

Can't help thinking it would be pretty cool if he and McCartney hooked up.

I hope it's better than…

OK it's not one of the best Coens but IC is great, especially Clooney's performance. They really know how to get him in touch with his inner idiot.

'Hey AV CCLub, interview iain banks. He's good in interviews, funny and charming and thoughtful. '

Iannucci said that he'd like to work with Langham again in an interview with the Guardian earlier this year, though was realistic enough to know that it osn't likely to happen. At least not for some time anyway.

Getting On
Capaldi's sitcom for BBC 4 set in an NHS hospital. Has the characteristically salty dialogue, petty bureacracy and ragged editing familiar to 'In the Loop' and 'TTOI'. I guess this will never make it to the US but is almost as good as his other works, albeit in an even darker and more depressing way.

'And where is his comedy about terrorist training school? '

I'm envious…
…that you get to see it for free and that you're actually able to see it. Many of us Brits couldn't see it as it had a really feeble roll out across the UK, despite having the highest per theatre grosses.