Squiddy The Catholic Squid

I started watching earlier this year when I found out a show I'd been meaning to watch for sometime was going off the air.

I started watching earlier this year when I found out a show I'd been meaning to watch for sometime was going off the air.

Point Ceded: Cypher Raige is a stupid name.

Point Ceded: Cypher Raige is a stupid name.

Pushing Daisies. Hell, without a narrator, that show just flat out doesn't work.

Pushing Daisies. Hell, without a narrator, that show just flat out doesn't work.

@leave_the_silver_city:disqus  That'd be Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan, of the eponymous Ryan Budget, which is basically the straight-cuts version of the budget fix.

@leave_the_silver_city:disqus  That'd be Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan, of the eponymous Ryan Budget, which is basically the straight-cuts version of the budget fix.

To the employment cave!

To the employment cave!

Actually, I was thinking more slightly of Dune.

Actually, I was thinking more slightly of Dune.

Ah, but as we all know, films are equal parts what is actually shot and post-production editing. I feel this argument holds some merit. I think 3D is a valid form of artistic expression. I will never voluntarily pay money to see a movie in 3D.

Ah, but as we all know, films are equal parts what is actually shot and post-production editing. I feel this argument holds some merit. I think 3D is a valid form of artistic expression. I will never voluntarily pay money to see a movie in 3D.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus , so their first season will be amazingly awesome in most or all respects, their second season will be a stylistic change of place that costs them their viewership, their third season will be fraught with internal conflict among the writing staff and not live up to

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus , so their first season will be amazingly awesome in most or all respects, their second season will be a stylistic change of place that costs them their viewership, their third season will be fraught with internal conflict among the writing staff and not live up to

Actually, I think McShane would make a much better Prince of Dorne.

Actually, I think McShane would make a much better Prince of Dorne.

I know I'm profaning Citizen Kane, but The Lady From Shanghai is my favorite Orson Welles so far.

I know I'm profaning Citizen Kane, but The Lady From Shanghai is my favorite Orson Welles so far.