Squiddy The Catholic Squid

Either way, I'm always going to think of him as the Teflon Braun.

Either way, I'm always going to think of him as the Teflon Braun.

"Yea, verily, you will suffer the slings and arrows of steroids after they have become cliche … and there will be sackcloth and wailing and beating of breasts in the Land Between Two Rivers, and the Children of Bears and Red Riders will equally despise you."

"Yea, verily, you will suffer the slings and arrows of steroids after they have become cliche … and there will be sackcloth and wailing and beating of breasts in the Land Between Two Rivers, and the Children of Bears and Red Riders will equally despise you."

The more crap I safely ignore, the more I feel like hating … genuine balls-to-the-wall-whoever-did-this-must-be-stopped … is simply the province of younger men than I.

The more crap I safely ignore, the more I feel like hating … genuine balls-to-the-wall-whoever-did-this-must-be-stopped … is simply the province of younger men than I.

Yeah, but that's 'cause in the book, the encounters are all tinged by Sansa's point of view.

Yeah, but that's 'cause in the book, the encounters are all tinged by Sansa's point of view.

@avclub-7cb9ce50f7cf145c89a09543d4d16153:disqus , @avclub-14925fabcef0d5b64250f9c957f7b5c8:disqus  : I too, have wondered through the wasteland of the books.

@avclub-7cb9ce50f7cf145c89a09543d4d16153:disqus , @avclub-14925fabcef0d5b64250f9c957f7b5c8:disqus  : I too, have wondered through the wasteland of the books.

Hmmmm. This is interesting. I hadn't noticed the family resemblance until I read this comment.

Hmmmm. This is interesting. I hadn't noticed the family resemblance until I read this comment.

What took so long?

What took so long?

Actually, I think this television show is better than the books.

Actually, I think this television show is better than the books.

I agree that some of the myriad character arcs have suffered forward progress at the hands of the movement of other characters. I would love to see a proactive Sansa, for example, however, having read through those five books (and I hope I don't spoil them for you), I can honestly say it ain't gonna' happen.

I agree that some of the myriad character arcs have suffered forward progress at the hands of the movement of other characters. I would love to see a proactive Sansa, for example, however, having read through those five books (and I hope I don't spoil them for you), I can honestly say it ain't gonna' happen.

I would say that I haven't, but apparently I did already. Sigh.

I would say that I haven't, but apparently I did already. Sigh.