Squiddy The Catholic Squid



Mr. CEO, you're slipping.

Mr. CEO, you're slipping.

It's time to stop using the term "first world" as pejorative.

It's the most … wonderful time …. of the year.

It's the most … wonderful time …. of the year.

What a useless response.

@avclub-88c03b34bb3d00bab7dbe9fde05e020e:disqus : Not to let the facts interfere with a good story, but I've never made comments to those effect in any web forum ever, though now I'm thinking I oughta start, since I'll just be lumped in with the 13-year-old bullies anyway, apparently.

I would also add: not *exclusively* motivated by desperate, blind love of her children, money or sex.

When I Googled it, I was sort of amazed at the movies that fit the criteria vs. the ones that don't, and thought it was kind of interesting. Not interesting in a way which would make me go see any of the movies based entirely on their rating, but nevertheless, interesting.

Actually, the sentence is phrased to point out that of all the women in the world, a small fraction of them comment on articles on the AV Club. I don't have statistics to back it up, so that might not even be right, but I'm pretty sure it'd be limited to countries with strong ties to U.S., British, and Canadian pop

Ah. Understood.

How dare you insult fine cinematic works like "Blade Trinity" or "Constantine" or "Daredevil!"

Curiousity beckons: Who are "they?"

So here's a question, infinitesimally small fraction of women who comment on the AV Club, particularly articles that would appear to sarcastically denigrate women:

… in between remarks like "Now play with her ass."

I loved how Mike kept the cameras at bay until they had good news, so the photo op could be a happy one. It also seemed like Selena was intentionally looking for a media-friendly spin on the disaster, which is easily the most cynical component of the whole thing.

Should be interesting to see how the absence of The Joker is handled in The Dark Knight Rises.

Your kung-fu is the best.