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    haha me too! thank god I'm not the only one (I want to know who that anonymous quoter is who also drinks pickle jucie).

    honestly, lindsey is more interesting than paris, because (and I'll probably regret this) she was a talented kid actress whereas Paris has the more common malady, "extreme lack of talent," which makes her now, and forever, a pox on humanity.

    The notable part is that she has a loyal fan base that continues to buy the shitty music she's been making for almost two decades.

    And that is obviously the demographic they are going for.

    is it only delicious because it's so awesome or because it is actually palatable? I guess it depends on the quality of both ingredients. I only ask because I would hate to make some only to have my gag reflex kick in. I wanna get fucked up but not like that, naw mean?

    has anyone tried this already?
    "an apocryphal Persian concoction that may or may not have incorporated alcohol, cannabis, and 'shrooms into one mind-expanding brew."

    also, of all the lame firsties that are left to fester on some of these boards, you delete Heche's?

    This Grade Seems Fair
    and only because the trailer actually made me chuckle where as every other trailer of the Spoof Comedies Genre made me cringe in disgust. I have not and will not see any of these movies in their entirety, btw.

    jay is not worth defending and people automatically lose half of whatever respect they had when they begin to do so.

    besides Hot Fuzz, where he was only the righteous asshole, he's does both simultaneously

    I'm so glad I saw "spoorloos" before I saw that absurd piece of garbage, "The Vanishing starring Jack Bauer." It was the first time I can remember being so emotionally bothered by a movie's mere existence. Not only was it simply bad in it's own right, but it was a wal-mart quality knock-off of the original film.

    or you could just give me a straight answer. I mean, these boards turn over pretty quickly nowadays and I'm not about to go hunt through them all.

    yeah, ranter, I'm sure you would dig Jillian and her valium induced observations if she were 40 pounds heavier.

    did you always write for the avclub, and I just noticed? And why isn't your name hyperlinked like the others.

    i thought it was a gun holster too, but that obviously doesn't make sense, so I stopped thinking about it.

    ugh…"to go *with* this review?"

    micheal and sheryl get media samples…
    But where is the streaming single to go this review?

    um, yeah, 'chicken ball' sounds like every chinese food restaurant's chef specials. A whole carton of which should not cost more than $7.

    …Twix her "m&ms".

    aww phel. We should be friends.