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    thank you, lexicondevil…that is EXACTLY what I was going for!

    was anyone else disappointed with Americone Dream?
    I was as pumped as any old glassy eyed conservative would have been, but for some reason, I could barely finish the carton?

    man, you're really sad about this, huh?

    after the insufferable previews (before There Will Be Blood,which made no sense to me) I was sad that Ralph Fiennes was trolling in guy-ritchie-the-hack territory, but now I am relieved.

    when was the last time you read the SkyMall catalog?
    It has everything you could ever possibly want at an altitude of 33,000ft whereas neither hudson nor mcconaughey are obscenely beautiful.

    joe, your trial just happened to coincide with the weekly meetings I have with my parole officer.

    I also doubt Prof. Retro would be caught dead in the Ho Chi Min School of Medicine.

    whaa…?! hamilton was coolest of them all!

    i meant the double post, …

    frankly, the 30 rock reference was funnier the second time.

    god damn comments!

    In case we forgot?!
    Speaking for all the angry liberals out there, "I'll never let go, Sean, I'll never let go."

    In case we forgot?!
    Speaking for all rage-filled liberals out there, "I'll never let go, Sean, I'll never let go."

    it was almost as if I were reading the latest MYOF.

    well i don't want to exaggerate, and frankly, no one cares about the rest of virginia.

    By "change" you must mean the homes are getting more expensive and they (belatedly) covered up the dirt and grit of the -one- high school (my high school) in the city with lots of money. Then yeah, i guess it has changed a lot.

    Are you in Alexandria or Alexandria city?

    I don't think i want to know what pocket pussies are but are they anything like Polly Pockets? Y'know, those little plastic chocking hazards that you could put in a bag and play with in the middle of church?

    Awww, the memories
    Alexandria, which happens to be where I grew up, is an delightful mixture of old rich white people and horny immigrants. I believe we took up the mantle of highest rate of underage pregnancy from Lubbock, TX a few years back.

    I'm watching that episode right now.