Cy Tolliver

I liked Pirates 5 but then again I'm an apologist for the franchise. I'd like to tell you why but no one will be reading at this point or care. I think history will be kind to this one in a "huh, that wasn't really deserving of such a low RT score", when most people catch it on tv a couple years down the road.

Thank you! The back patting over these dreadful numbers is bizarre and shows a lack of any sort of knowledge over how these ratings work or just numbers in general!

Twin Peaks had 506k tune into the premiere.

I very recently re-watched and that's not hyperbole. She glows right off the screen.

I'm trying to think of an example of another mainstream genre movie where critics were mostly positive at release that pretty much everyone in the general public really disliked upon seeing. I think there's more examples of the opposite. I liked Prometheus so seeing the good reviews for Covenant had me pretty hyped

I watched The Last Supper prequel scene after seeing the movie and Franco has a real groaner of a line that probably would go unnoticed for anyone watching before seeing the movie. Walking around sick with a blanket around him - "I'm burning up."

So you were expecting an allegory for slavery in the original.

Actually I'm going to change my answer to Peter Jackson's Tolkien-verse. The anemic response and the anemic quality of The Hobbit movies themselves was just sad.

Hot Take!
I like 2 and 3 more than the original. Curse of the Black Pearl was undercooked and dull at times. The sequel's philosophy of more lore, more characters, more locations actually worked! 10-15 minutes too long? Sure, but they're so pretty to look at. Dead Man's Chest holds up as one of the best looking

Not exactly a franchise, but how about the Sacha Baron Cohen movies. At least the Pirates movies can be found every other weekend on cable, whereas quoting Borat is a pretty good way to elicit groans in tasteful company.

A legend. Effortless charm that is rare to find in Hollywood these days.

Yeah there's been advances in training regimes and diets for stars, but no one would bat an eye at an action hero in his 50s today. I'm not even talking about guys just barely hanging on like Bruce Willis but Vin Diesel and Johnny Depp still opening tent pole franchises.

Regardless of the final product, I think WB's impulse to go with someone like Snyder for Superman was the right move after Brian Singer's turgid Superman Returns.

I liked the Bjork song and that cover of Tomorrow Never Knows.

At the very least, I'm convinced a lot of critics didn't "get" what was going on. Whether or not it had something to say, not so sure, but it totally had the effect of a literal sucker punch on me.

Zack Snyder Positivity Thread:

His inane twitter ramblings are reminiscent of some of the Newswire all-day crew. That shit about being glad his mom was dead. Damn.

As someone who liked Prometheus a good bit, I found Covenant guilty of everything people held against Prometheus….and then some. The bestiary was less interesting than the weirdness (cthulu abortion!) in Prometheus. Traditional facehuggers and xenomorphs being introduced were a step back. I also found it not as

Yeah, I love The Wrestler so Siegel's scripts are always on my radar. Its kind of a shame that Big Fan was brought down by the appearance of that noxious little troll Patton Oswalt (even though he was playing type as a noxious little troll.)

I watched The Founder. I was kind of surprised by the whimsical nature of almost the entirety of the movie where Ray Kroc is our plucky hero, especially considering it was a Robert Spiegel screenplay and how it was heralded, but the tail end is when the disquieting meditations on what just happened begin.