Cy Tolliver

I wrapped up BCS Season 2 just recently too. I find the languid pace very comforting and oddly relaxing even if in hindsight it just seems to be delaying the inevitable. For example, I'm not really sure what was built off the arc at Ed Begley Jr.'s firm.

There you go with your wishing again. I wish you was a wishing well. So that I could tie a bucket to ya and sink ya!

I don't post as much anymore because of that attitude (and my current job providing a lot less free time to mess around on the internet (and the site's produced content because a lot worse)). I've always enjoyed your pop culture contributions though.

Who the hell prefers Kate McKinnon in the looks department?! Cecily Strong is smoking hot.

Um, aren't you happily unemployed (and always bitching about healthcare)?

I think you guys are projecting your own opinions of current day Gibson here. The first two Mad Max movies are 2 for 2 in featuring violent gang rapes as well as the original film ending with the murder of a small child. They aren't pleasant films.

Point certainly taken, but if there's one mainstream(?) director that can conduct a symphony of over the top gore and violence while generating an atmosphere of mayhem, whenever other action movies pull punches, its Gibson.

If, God forbid, Miller wasn't able to direct another Mad Max, Gibson would make the perfect director to take over the franchise.

I only made it halfway through the book last year and found it too dull and meandering to finish. Gaiman can certainly turn a phrase or two but overall it was a slog. I found the most engaging and evocative parts to be brief episodic histories of certain minor characters but those were just side dressings to the

Fox's R-rated X-men universe, introduction of Dark Phoenix (again). The stars are aligned for a reintroduction of a proper Hellfire Club in all its sleazy glory!

People are going to be upset with your comment but I agree about Turner. Jean Grey should be presented as smart, sexy, and powerful whereas Sophie Turner is well, Sophie Turner

Although I'm honestly not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, oddly enough, I'd agree either way.

Drink from the Grail and gain immortality, however, to stay immortal, one has to not cross a defined barrier.

The story has been pretty scatter shot (not necessarily the worst thing but it is what it is) so its hard to view the series as a complete package. More importantly, I don't think the dialogue really sings either. Its far better at showing, not telling. But if you consider it an all timer, that's totally fine. Its

That piano theme, man. When movies and tv don't really bother to create memorable scores anymore, it really stands out as a magnificent piece. Really evokes the sense of the inevitability of bad things happening to people.

Being ostracized is no fun but I think the ending put everyone where they deserved or needed to be. A pretty natural unnatural end point.

It didnt do a lot for me personally and it's ratings weren't very good. TD2 was still a ratings hit.

I'd probably not make it out of another season alive so hopefully never.

Speaking as a guy with a Deadwood avatar I want my Pizziolatto True Detective pure and unfiltered. If anything it's Millch's star that has cratered after JFC and Luck (I'm eternally grateful for Milch's Deadwood). He just hasn't ruffled the feathers of certain school marms, I mean, tv critics.

I randomly caught some of a pretty cheesy DTV Bruce Willis/Thomas Jane (with hilarious wig, google it for a laugh) joint called Vice on HBO the other day. I don't know how the Westworld producers didn't get sued based on the similarities. Female pleasure robot at resort starts having flashbacks of being murdered and