Cy Tolliver

Alternate Headline:
FX Tells The Strain to get the Eph out

At the time, I sort of thought the same way as a Genesis guy, but in hindsight I think the Genesis has aged better, especially in the pick-up-and-play "fun-ness" of its games. Also, those sweet sweet soundtracks. (all this assuming one isn't into Japanese RPGs)

Good screename/comment synergy. I could totally see some alt-comic type getting a round of clapter for saying this, verbatim.

…he said condescendingly.

I'm flipping the script by coming in here to take jabs at T2.

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. It was certainly one of the better ones. Although, the only one I remember actively disliking was Wolves of the Calla.

What was the last election not to be considered "the most crucial of our lifetime"?

I'll give it that. It looks good. Just a too much misanthropic internet guy/angry aspie baiting for me.

Even with The Americans (which I didn't make through Season 1 to your point.) I get more more of a "watch this show so it doesn't get canceled" vibe from critics compared to Robot's pre-emptive "Everyone will be talking about this tomorrow!" treatment.

Maybe by season 4 or 5, internet outlets that make a little money off tv coverage will stop trying to will this show into being the phenom it isn't.

I first became aware of Hans Zimmer with Gladiator and that had some good memorable tracks in it. His Pirates of the Carribbean main theme is pretty rousing as well. Who knows why he's chosen this current path of glorified dial tones.

I'm kind of disturbed that people are actually defending the Marvel "themes". Has a certain generation of movie goers expectations for memorable film scores been lowered this far?

Forgot about that Creed track but it's great. Dig the Ennio Morricone influence.

Not technically a theme song, the track "Brothers in Arms" from Fury Road might be the most simultaneously beautiful and adrenaline pumping piece of music I've heard in at least a decade.

I really like the new Wonder Woman riff although I actually think it works best within the lunacy of BvS. I'm watching that movie astonished at the madness and studio decison making and then that crazy music starts. Its a trip.

What 80's remake has been well received both before and after release?

So, I take it you weren't that excited to read that obituary/hit piece about some conservative lady that no one under the age of 60 had heard of until yesterday and had no relation to pop culture?

I don't even like particularly Narcos that much but that's pretty funny.

His true nationality might have been a put-on, but his deviousness was not. There's multiple interview with former wrestlers that state Fuji was a truly sinister prankster. Canceling people's flights, giving bad directions for crosscountry trips, taking engine blocks out of cars, feeding people their own dog (!).

There's got to be an "Apartment Wrestling" subplot, doesn't there? That's way too much of a Jenji Kohan-esque subplot not to tackle. Can't wait for the thinkpieces on it once this sleazy subculture is discovered.