Cy Tolliver

Costume design can make or break a period show or movie. I can't speak to Outlander but from what I've seen its a little too clean looking. The fact that she worked on Carnivale though is a huge plus in my book.

This is Great Job, Internet's thing, now. De Palma, Scorsese, and Kubrick have all gotten this treatment in the last month. Almost makes me miss the mash-ups. Almost.

Vegas Vacation is infinitely superior to European Vacation.

Agree 1000% This article even lets it off the hook way too easy. I can't remember the last time a movie literally angered me the way the Vacation reboot did. Not in a "this isn't good, I'm turning it off" way but an "I am actively becoming enraged at this" way.

Yeah, that number seems suspiciously high for something that's sort of niche like OitNB. Considering that the "automatic play" thing was introduced this past year, I think it explans why Netflix wasn't trumpeting these great numbers for prior seasons

Her death seemed as much of a cost saving measure for the show as anything else. There needed to be vengeful Tyrell survivor and Diana Rigg isn't in the main credits so she gets to stay and Natalie Dorner goes.

"Barzini is dead. So is Phillip Tattaglia. Moe Greene. Stracci. Cuneo. Today I settled all family business so don't tell me that you're innocent."

The direction for those scenes was excellent as well. A lot of the directing on the show can generously be described as workmanlike but those scenes (and some earlier episodes this season) were very good.

My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the Great Homecoming Fuck Fantasy. I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I'm in a world of shit… yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid.

I consider myself a pretty pop culture and tv-savvy guy but this is my first time really hearing of this alleged "smash hit". I'm also aware now that Hulu apparently has a vault of other gems that I haven't seen yet.

You've been working at the AV Club the whole time?

It was smooth sailing for True Detective until the think pieces started. Nic P. taking on certain types of internet critics (you know the type so I won't cast aspersions) started that ball rolling.

That's possible. I also think there's more of an angry mob mentality on the internet. Once that ball starts rolling, its hard to stop.
Using Boardwalk Empire as an example the second season noticeably became a lot more visceral and gangster-y in the second season as certain dud season 1 plotlines like Jimmy's wife

Yeah, it's was and is pretty par for the course for dumb summer action movies. I'd like to see the online reaction to it today with all of the strangely overt racial stuff in it. Some Wild Wild Thnkpieces would probably hail it as a guilty pleasure if not more.

I'm a huge Boardwalk fan and I even admit I was a little wishy washy watching the first season for the first time. The knives were out for this one from the get-go as evidenced by the comments. Which cable dramas can count the first season as their best?

I see boomer nostalgia thrown around a lot at Vinyl and don't really get it. A baby boomer would have been hitting 30 around the time of the series and I doubt any of them are nostalgic for that age, especially in the 70's when a 30 year old would have been knee deep in responsibilities with an office job and a

The sacred and the propane.

They can only hide it for so long.

Nothing can be more of souless scheme to separate people from their money than Amazing Spider-man 2. That movie got let off the hook waaaay too easy. The worst cinematic comic villain ever in Jamie Foxx's Electro (at least Arnie had a camp factor in B&R), a waste of Giammatti/Rhino, promises of at least 3
