Cy Tolliver

Regarding Angel, I liked the mulleted meathead interpretation in Apocalypse so I'm willing to wave that one off.

Oh yeah, in terms of timeline, its an absolute mess. Fassbender has a face than can pass for "old 35" or "young 50" but for some of these characters to have aged 20 years from First Class is laughable.

How about a new feature called Hatealtcomedian? If I was asked, it would be hard to name just one.

Since Marvel threads always attract a lot of people and a lot of drama, how about that X-Men Apocalypse? I actually liked it quite a bit. The low Rotten Tomatoes was surprising (especially in relation to middling superhero movies that scored a lot higher).

I liked X-Men Apocalypse more than I expected. They finally nailed the scope of the universe.The low Rotten Tomatoes score is puzzling. It might be my favorite of the series. (DofFP left me cold.) Granted, you must NOT think about the timeline when watching these, but put that out of your head and they were all

I agree with this, although I also think the scene in the bar is excellent as well. The basterds, themselves, bring the movie down from what could have a been an undeniable Great Movie (although its still very very good). Shoshanna and Fassbender and Kruger's characters were far more interesting characters to follow.


Speaking of opening Steve Buscemi scenes, I'd argue that with 24(!) years of age on it, his speech and the conversation about tipping servers in restaurants holds up better than anything else in Reservoir Dogs.

Soup is far from the perfect food. Who wants to eat soup in weather warmer than, say, 70 degrees?

What's with the "overuse" of "quotations"? Is this some kind of "inside joke" or a "reference" to "some type of thing" I'm not "aware" of?

I don't know if he was ever homeless but he did have a wacky stint as the Milf Hunter's (!) bodyguard and could be seen escorting girls around in porn videos.

Heart failure apparently. Not officially confirmed yet.

On the complete opposite of the spectrum, I'm just curious if we get an obituary for Kimbo Slice….

Yeah, the production values hit a new gear. and I have no idea why it randomly happened in an otherwise pretty innocuous episode 7 of a season. Quite frankly, I'm not a huge fan of the show as I think it gets bogged down in unnecessary exposition and uninteresting conversations that worked better in novel-form, but

I am not the fine man you take me for, so yes.

The Wall and Winterfell sets were not missed.

Visually, this was the best the show's ever looked. Some great establishing shots and interesting camera angles for once. Oftentimes, the show can feel staid and claustrophobic but this was top notch. Probably the best paced episode they've done as well.

He had a couple nice monologues, at least. The show's done worse with other interesting and accomplished actors. Now bring in Powers Boothe as a conniving northern lord and be done it.

No one else is going to be reading this days after the fact. Maybe I should name names!

I'm nearly done with Starz''s Magic City (which is also available on Netflix). I watched the first 5 episodes when they were initially airing but wasn't really feeling it at the time. I think due to the marketing, I was expecting more of a sweeping mob epic and less of a hotel soap opera in prestige drama format.